CBL - Campus del Baix Llobregat

Projecte ofert

Títol: Optimazation of Genetic algorithm as multi-gravity assist design tool

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Departament: FIS

Títol: Optimazation of Genetic algorithm as multi-gravity assist design tool

Data inici oferta: 15-02-2024     Data finalització oferta: 15-10-2024

Estudis d'assignació del projecte:
    MU MASTEAM 2015
Tipus: Individual
Lloc de realització: EETAC
Paraules clau:
Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
In about the last 50 years many spacecraft have been launched in an effort to explore our solar system (and beyond), although only a fraction of our solar system has been explored. Larger spacecraft and scientific payloads will be required to further explore the solar system. These missions can only be enabled through increasingly complex trajectories, often by the use of
a combination of planetary gravity assists, deep-space correction maneuvers, and more recently, low-thrust solar electric propulsion. In particular gravity assists play a key role for the
success of such interplanetary and interstellar missions. As missions become more sophisticated, determining feasible trajectories quickly becomes a daunting task. These types of
interplanetary and interstellar mission design problems present significant optimization challenges. They are extremely nonlinear, often with multiple strong basins of attraction in the
neighborhood of optimal solutions, and are discontinuous when the planetary gravity-assist order is varied. The traditional method for solving complex impulsive mission design problems is
to have the designer prune the decision space in order to obtain acceptable solutions. However, without robust automated methods to optimize such trajectories, globally optimal solutions may
be overlooked by even the most experienced mission designer. Several algorithms have been proposed to automate the optimization for these types of missions. These algorithms are
typically broken into two types: two-level and one-level algorithms, both with different advantages and disadvantages.

This project deals with the study and investigation of Multi-Planetary Gravitational Assist (MGA) trajectories for interplanetary and interstellar missions to approach other planets in our solar system and/or even other stars beyond it.

The objective in this project will be the use of a generic algorithm to optimize the trajectory using MGA, to obtain a minimization of the delta-v required for the spacecraft. Aside the improvement of various parameters like convergence, diversity, cross-over as well as the extended work on the cost-function, the main focus will lie on the determination of the best sequence of planets for a mission. Here the key aspect is the implementation of an outer loop which will relieve the burden
of any predefined sequence and thus significant reduce any given limitations. Ideal, the latter only remain for start and arrival planet.

The algorithm will be tested and compared with others nowadays already established algorithms and experimental missions.
Orientació a l'estudiant:
The student will learn and study the main characteristics and features in Multi-Planetary Gravitational Assist (MGA). She/He has to become familiarize with the main problems involved in MGA.
Programming languages as Matlab, and mainly Python will be learned and/or deepen in the project. Main goal is do develop a new approach for MGA via a generic algorithm, implementing this approach into a code and perform simulations. Various parameters will be studied within the process. Supervisor and student will meet regular basis about once a week to evaluate the progress and discuss the following steps. In case of bigger problems the student can approach the supervisor any time in order to solve the problems as soon as possible in order to avoid any hold backs.
Horari d'atenció a estudiants per a l'assignació de projecte:
Regular meetings of about 1-2h will be setup weekly in order to check, discuss and evaluate the progress as well to plan the following steps. In case of bigger problems extraordinary meetings will be done as soon as possible.

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