CBL - Campus del Baix Llobregat

EETAC – Processes for MAST New students


e-Secretaria(*): The schedule of procedures that can be done by e-Secretaria, start at 00:01h the first day of term and end at 23:59h on the last day.

Start date and hour
End date and hour
Place Observations / Documents
Publication of the course schedule and exams calendar
03 July
03 July
Web EETAC. Informació acadèmica. IMPORTANT ACLARIMENT sobre horaris de classe i exàmens: L'EETAC es compromet a establir horaris de classe i calendaris d'examen perfectament compatibles per a l'alumnat que faci qualsevol de les seves titulacions o la doble titulació amb accés per preinscripció. En el cas d'haver de matricular assignatures per segona vegada o fora de les seqüències previstes, l'Escola farà un esforç per evitar incompatibilitats però ja no pot garantir-ho. Dins d'aquests esforços l'Escola intenta oferir grups de matins i de tardes però les places estan limitades i trobareu cursos amb un únic grup, ja sigui de matí (la majoria de les vegades) o de tarda. Recordeu que cada quadrimestre es publiquen amb antel·lació els horaris disponibles (de classes i d'exàmens) i podeu decidir si us convé matricular-los o no. Després de la matrícula no teniu dret legal a modificacions encara que l'Escola i el professorat intentaran ajudar-vos dintre d'un marge raonable.
Publication of the list of admitted students MAST
28 July
28 July
In this web from the date aforementioned LIST OF ADMITTED STUDENTS MAST 2017-1
Extraordinary pre-enrolment period of September
06 September
08 September
Application for admission to UPC courses Admission's procedures
Presential ENROLMENT new students of MAST 15
06 September
06 September
Baix Llobregat Campus LIBRARY: Enrolment's classroom
Oficina Oberta EEABB
Authorization of a third party
ENROLMENT'S TIMETABLE: from 10:00h to 13:30h
Publication of the list of admitted students MAST in the extraordinay pre-enrolment period of September
12 September
12 September
In this web from the date aforementioned
First day of lectures for MAST
13 September
13 September
Period to apply for DROPPING subjects (de-enroling courses)
13 September
31 October
Portal CBL. Tràmits posteriors al procés de matrícula
No refunds will be performed in any case.
The requests will be resolved during the period. Check periodically the status of your request.
Publication of the resolutions regarding MODIFICATIONS in the enrolment
13 September
13 September
e-Secretaria No refunds will be performed in any case.
Presential ENROLMENT of students admitted in the extraordinay pre-enrolment period of September
13 September
13 September
Baix Llobregat Campus LIBRARY: Enrolment's classroom
Oficina Oberta EEABB
Authorization of a third party
Period for executing the DROPPING of subjects (de-enrolment) - only for those requests previously accepted
14 September
08 November
Oficina Oberta EEABB If your request has been accepted, pass by “Oficina Oberta” in order to formalize the modification. In this step the student must present himself/herself.
If you don't pass by “Oficina Oberta”, the modification will NOT be executed.
Period for executing the MODIFICATIONS in the enrolment – only for those requests pending
14 September
15 September
Oficina Oberta EEABB If your request has been accepted, pass by “Oficina Oberta” in order to formalize the modification. In this step the student must present himself/herself. If you don't pass by “Oficina Oberta”, the modification will NOT be executed.

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