CBL - Campus del Baix Llobregat

Projecte llegit

Títol: Launch base services and systems virtualisation in Iaas/Paas architecture for multi-launcher operations


Departament: EEL

Títol: Launch base services and systems virtualisation in Iaas/Paas architecture for multi-launcher operations

Data inici oferta: 13-07-2020     Data finalització oferta: 13-03-2021

Estudis d'assignació del projecte:
Tipus: Individual
Lloc de realització: Fora UPC    
        Supervisor/a extern: Eduard Diez i Lledó
        Institució/Empresa: GTD
        Titulació del Director/a: PhD sistemes aeronàutics_ Toulouse
Paraules clau:
Sistemes Aerospacials, spaceport, SAMMBA, launch base, Industry 4.0, Blockchain
Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
La idea és fer una plataforma Iaas (infrastructure as a
service) / Paas (platform as a service), per poder:

- Virtualitzar totes les aplicasions que tenim a GTD i
que hem desenvolupat i mantenim al port espacial de la Guyana
en aquest Iaas/Paas

o en temps real: servei de telemesura, de tracking radar, de
flight safety

o en diferit: Centre de Control per a la supervisió de la
campanya abans de H0(lft-off)

- Afegir altres serveis IT d’altres partners (centre de
recerca EURECAT): Blockchain per a la gestió segura
d’operacions multi-usuari, planificació/scheduling de la
campanya de manera intel·ligent

- Interfaçar el nostre demostrador amb els demostradors
dels partners de fluids i mecánica (aquesta part probablement
estarà fora, ja que ells han de fer els seus desenvolupaments
i serà poster pel 2022)

En aquest escenari, les tevés tasques serán :

- Trade-off de la plataforma HW/SW (servidors, eines de

- Instal·lació/confguració del HW/SW

- Modelar en SysML l’arquitectura del demostrador

- Desenvolupament de un prototipus Iaas/Paas del
segment terra de una base de llençament a base de

- Analitzar / integrar els serveis de Blockchain i
automatic scheduling/planning

- Validació del Iaas/Paas amb missions en temps real

o Nominal i degradat

o Capacitat de clonar plataformes

o Capacitat de corerr diverses plataformes epr diferents

o Validar que poden donar servei en temps-real

Overview (resum en anglès):

The boom of the NewSpace market and the small satellites growth have led to the generation of Microlaunchers as a new launch concept. Due to the rise in the demand of launch services, launch bases must adapt to the new requirements of the sector.

This project, which is in the frame of the tasks performed by GTD for the Horizon Europe project called SAMMBA, studies the technologies and designs the concepts that will help SAMMBA to develop launch base services that enable cost-effective, agile and flexible launch campaigns, improving the spaceports¿ ability to adjust to the cost and launch rate targeted in the small payload market.

This challenge is mainly tackled by three axes throughout this project.

The first one is based on the definition of a launch base architecture using a Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) approach. It firstly introduces the general concepts established in a launch base architecture, presenting afterwards the main axes of improvement for SAMMBA based on those general concepts. A survey about the current MBSE techniques is performed, finishing with the selection of ARCADIA / Capella as the methodology that adjusts the most to SAMMBA and presenting a preliminary architecture for SAMMBA making use of that MBSE technique.

The second part of the project conducts a study in which different innovative and burgeoning technologies are assessed considering SAMMBA requirements and objectives. A preliminary assessment is performed, and the next steps for a further evaluation are indicated for future stages.

The third part is based on the implementation of some of the technologies assessed and chosen as feasible for SAMMBA. In that context, Blockchain and Cluster Virtualization are thoroughly studied, trying to adjust them to some of the use cases foreseen for this type of system.

Finally, the conclusions of the whole assessment are shown. The results provided indicates that some of the technologies used in other sectors and which have never been applied to the space domain, such as Blockchain, Cluster Virtualization, Drones, AGVs, IaaS, among others, can produce a remarkable effect in the performance of the current spaceports, helping them to fulfil the objectives established and foreseen for the upcoming years.

© CBLTIC Campus del Baix Llobregat - UPC