CBL - Campus del Baix Llobregat

Projecte llegit

Títol: Viabilidad de la implementación de una torre de control virtual


Departament: DEGD

Títol: Viabilidad de la implementación de una torre de control virtual

Data inici oferta: 22-07-2020     Data finalització oferta: 22-03-2021

Estudis d'assignació del projecte:
Tipus: Individual
Lloc de realització: EETAC
Paraules clau:
Viabilidad, Implementación, Torre, Control, Virtual
Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
El objetivo de este Trabajo de Fin de Grado es estudiar la
posibilidad de implementar una torre de control virtual común
que dé servicio al aeropuerto de Girona y de Sabadell. Se
trata de una tecnología punta, en la que las operaciones de
rodaje, despegue y aterrizaje de un aeródromo se monitorizan
desde un centro de control remoto, con la ayuda de un
sistema de videocámaras y sensores en el propio aeropuerto.
La finalidad de una torre de control virtual es aumentar la
seguridad de las operaciones así como facilitar el trabajo de
los controladores, ya que la imagen que obtendremos en directo
de cada avión llevará incluidos los datos necesarios (ruta,
matrícula, tipo de avión…).
También se reducen los gastos de mantenimiento que requiere
una torre y se evitan posibles vulneraciones de las
servidumbres aeronáuticas.
Por último, se estudiaría la posibilidad de centralizar el
control y gestión del espacio aéreo
catalán en las mismas infraestructuras para optimizar su
Overview (resum en anglès):

Context: as a consequence of the constant increase of the air traffic, new air traffic management methods are being studied in order to obtain a decrease in the management costs, an increase of the operational safety and the optimization of the resources. One of these new concepts is the implementation of remote towers, which consists of the airport visual systems offshoring by the installation of panoramic cameras and several control equipment at the aerodrome. The aerodrome operations management and control is made from a remote tower centre, as it ensures the same level of security and service done at the conventional towers.

Objectives: the aim of this project consists of the outlining of the technical feasibility when the implementation of a remote towers centre (RTC) in Catalonia with a view to providing air traffic services to Girona-Costa Brava, Lleida- Alguaire, Reus and Sabadell airports.

Methodology: Firstly, in order to find the required number of controllers that may the airports need to be managed by 2035, a traffic forecast has been made for each of the aerodromes. The optimal site of the cameras have been determined as well as the rest of equipment needed to ensure its remote management. Moreover, we have proceeded to the designing of the remote centre floor plans in AutoCAD and the required rooms, not forgetting taking into account the controllers needed for determining its working positions. Afterwards, 3-D modeling using SolidWorks has been designed so as to obtain a realistic view of the concept. Lastly, a Gantt chart has been designed as a way of establishing the needed steps to follow until the start-up of the operations at the remote tower centre.

Results: once having applied the chosen work methodologies, we can outline that it is technically feasible to implement a remote tower centre in Catalonia due to the improvement in several aspects. On the one hand, using a multiple mode of operation leads to a staff¿s reduction thanks to the resources optimisation, which entails an important cost-saving. Moreover, the usage of disruptive technologies play an important role when increasing the controller¿s situational awareness and, thus, enhancing the operational safety.

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