CBL - Campus del Baix Llobregat

Projecte llegit

Títol: Aprendizaje de sistemas no tripulados basado en la construcción de un rover autónomo

Director/a: ROYO CHIC, PABLO

Departament: DAC

Títol: Aprendizaje de sistemas no tripulados basado en la construcción de un rover autónomo

Data inici oferta: 12-02-2021     Data finalització oferta: 12-10-2021

Estudis d'assignació del projecte:
Tipus: Individual
Lloc de realització: EETAC
Paraules clau:
PBL, Rover, Sistemas no tripulados, UAS, UGS, MQTT
Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
Mediante el presente proyecto se plantea el diseño de un compendio de retos para trabajar conceptos de la asignatura de sistemas no tripulados. Esta estrategia se conoce como aprendizaje basado en proyectos. Estos retos culminan con un producto final que en este caso corresponde a la construcción y prueba de un rover autónomo con computación a bordo.

Lista de tareas es la siguiente:

Estudio de los componentes utilizados en el montaje.

Construcción y configuración del rover autónomo.

Ajuste de los parámetros de navegación para un correcto funcionamiento.

Incorporación al rover de un computador para aumentar la automatización de las misiones que pueda realizar el rover.
Overview (resum en anglès):

This project aims to solve a problem of the project of the elective subject UAS. In the first six weeks of the four-month period, the students have to build an autonomous rover, including the calibration of its¿ components and the installation of an on-board computer which allows the acquisition of control and telemetry of the vehicle via internet. All of this entails a huge workload for the pupils and this project attempts to reduce it by creating a series of guidelines and tutorials.

In order to create those tutorials each step of the project had to be completed. Firstly, all of the components used for the build have been studied, including the ArduRover firmware and the library that enables the interaction with the autopilot, Dronekit. The next step has been the assembly, calibration and tuning of the vehicle in order to achieve a fully functional UGV. Once the build has been completed, Python and Dronekit have been used to obtain telemetry and control of the vehicle from a script. This establishes the necessary bases for the next step: the installation of the on-board computer. For this purpose, a Raspberry Pi has been used to achieve real time interaction with the rover. Finally, an LTE module has been configured to provide internet connection to the Pi which has been used to obtain telemetry and control of the vehicle via the MQTT protocol.

During the different stages of the project a series of videos have been created with the purpose of guiding the students through the various steps. Some of those videos explain every step of the process while others just provide the necessary tools to complete the section. The combination of both manages to reduce the workload while maintaining the learning curve of the pupils. Finally, a series of guided activities with a time estimate and the steps to follow have been created to guide the development of the project.

Despite all of those guides and tutorials the conclusion of this paper is that the realization of this project still requires more time to be completed. The stipulated six weeks don¿t allow any error margin and that is why one or two more weeks are thought to be needed for the completion of the project.

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