CBL - Campus del Baix Llobregat

Projecte llegit

Títol: Desplegament i avaluació d'una xarxa LoRaWAN (part I)

Estudiants que han llegit aquest projecte:


Departament: ENTEL

Títol: Desplegament i avaluació d'una xarxa LoRaWAN (part I)

Data inici oferta: 15-02-2021     Data finalització oferta: 15-10-2021

Estudis d'assignació del projecte:
Tipus: Individual
Lloc de realització: EETAC
Segon director/a (UPC): VIDAL FERRÉ, RAFAEL
Paraules clau:
IoT, Internet of Things, LoRa, LoRaWAN, LPWAN
Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
Una de les tecnologies més recents i més populars per a l'àmbit de la Internet of Things (IoT) és LoRaWAN. Es tracta d'una tecnologia sense fils de llarg abast (superior a 1 km) que permet assolir un temps de vida per a dispositius IoT amb bateria de diversos anys. L'ampli abast que ofereix la tecnologia implica un cost baix de desplegament i manteniment de la mateixa.

En aquest TFG es planteja el disseny i desplegament d'una xarxa real LoRaWAN, considerant tots els elements de l'arquitectura corresponent, amb una doble finalitat: a) oferir un entorn de xarxa LoRaWAN estable que ofereixi servei a dispositius LoRaWAN per a finalitats docents i/o de demostració, i b) avaluar les prestacions d'un escenari real LoRaWAN, amb un focus particular en la problemàtica de la congestió, i plantejar propostes de millora.
Overview (resum en anglès):
LoRaWAN is an open and global standard for long-range wireless communications belonging to the LPWANs (Low Power Wide Area Networks) network group. LoRaWAN was developed by the LoRa Alliance to provide long-range two-way and secure communications to battery-powered devices and to ensure a battery life of up to several years, great scalability, large device capacity and reduce costs (CAPEX and OPEX). On the other hand, LoRaWAN is a technology focused on the internet of things (IoT), allowing its use in different areas such as agriculture, buildings, cities, industry, logistics and services.

The purpose of this project is to carry out the study of this recent and promising technology, through the theoretical study of LoRa modulation and the LoRaWAN protocol, and the subsequent deployment of a private LoRaWAN network through two of the most important and implemented solutions, The Things Stack and ChirpStack. A complete documentation of the deployment process and its component devices, as well as their configurations, has been developed for future use by teachers, researchers, students, and anyone who is interested and wants to get started on this technology. In addition, following the deployment of this private network, different studies have been carried out on the behaviour of the network and some of its problems. The connectivity of the devices has been verified, as well as the correct operation of the network. The phenomenon called SF12 Well has also been studied in the network deployed.

This project has been carried out in collaboration with the project "Desplegament i avaluació d'una xarxa LoRaWAN (part 2)".

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