CBL - Campus del Baix Llobregat

Projecte llegit

Títol: Arquitectura software para la Monitorización de drones utilizando una aplicación Web

Estudiants que han llegit aquest projecte:

Director/a: ROYO CHIC, PABLO

Departament: DAC

Títol: Arquitectura software para la Monitorización de drones utilizando una aplicación Web

Data inici oferta: 02-02-2022     Data finalització oferta: 02-10-2022

Estudis d'assignació del projecte:
Tipus: Individual
Lloc de realització: EETAC
Paraules clau:
Drone, Web Application, Software Architecture
Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
En el proyecto se quiere desarrollar una arquitectura software
basada en servición para monitorizar drones.

Los servicios son los siguientes:

Servicio del segmento Aire:

- Ardupilot Service: Servicio que se comunique con el piloto
automático y envíe la latitud, longitud y altura a un middleware.

- GCS Comunicacion Service: Servicio que envía la latitud,
longitud y altura a tierra a un Broker MQTT.

Servicios del segmento Tierra:

- Web App: Crear una aplicación web que dada una latitud y
longitud y altura la pueda representar en un mapa.
Overview (resum en anglès):
This document sets out the report of the final degree thesis which aims to design and implement a software architecture for the control and monitoring of drones from a web application. In addition, it is intended to provide the tools so that the application can be improved by the school community with other final thesis. To achieve this objective, a series of videos have been made in tutorial format in which the basics for installing and using the main technologies are explained.

After an analysis and comparison of some of the many technological possibilities to carry out the work, starting from the architecture of the Drone Engineering Ecosystem (architecture under test that is used in the drone master based on a desktop application), it is decided to develop the frontend with Vue.js, test RabbitMQ and the AMQP protocol as a messaging protocol on the drone, develop a backend as a WebSockets server and a REST API based on the Flask library. Moreover a MongoDB database is installed in the drone with a storage system with an onboard REST API together with new functionalities and features.

The result is a web application from which the user can view telemetry data, take photos with the drone and display them on the same page, turn on and off a sequence of leds, control the drone (arm it, take off to a certain height and move it to certain coordinates), see the drone on a map in real-time and design and execute a flight plan with different options. This application also contains a gallery to see the photos taken during the flight with information about the coordinates and time at which they were taken. A separate web app is also produced to view what the drone's camera is recording live.

The results are very satisfactory, as it has been possible to implement and test the operation of up to 3 different architectures in the Campus drone lab: two of them depending if you want to work in an internet connection environment (for testing, for example) or in a "global" environment that requires an internet connection. For the third architecture, the backend that manages subscriptions and publications of the messaging broker is dispensed by connecting the broker directly to the frontend. The only aspect that has not been possible to implement correctly is the automated deployment with Docker of the onboard software.

© CBLTIC Campus del Baix Llobregat - UPC