CBL - Campus del Baix Llobregat

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Títol: Integration of a Camera in the Femtosatellite Design Cycle and Assessment

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Departament: FIS

Títol: Integration of a Camera in the Femtosatellite Design Cycle and Assessment

Data inici oferta: 05-06-2013     Data finalització oferta: 05-02-2014

Estudis d'assignació del projecte:
    Tipus: Individual
    Lloc de realització: EETAC
    Paraules clau:
    Femtosatellite, MEMS, COTS, SMD, Design cycle
    Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
    A femtosatellite has a mass between 10 and 100 grams. Current
    satellites are based on boxes owned by different manufacturers.
    The consequence of this architecture is an increment of mass due
    to structures, wiring and connectors. In this work we propose to
    follow the well known "Thinking outside the box" where in our
    case it will mean to design the whole satellite in a single PCB
    board. Nevertheless, payloads are boxes; the client covers the
    payload sensor inside a box; in contrast we propose to integrate
    the payload in the satellite design cycle. Of course some design
    rules must be followed by the client: Payload architecture is
    based on the Surface Mounted Device (SMD) technology and the
    growing nanotechnology in form of Micro-Electro-Mechanical
    Systems (MEMS).

    This final bachelor work (TFC) will put to the test this concept
    of "Payload integration in the femtosatellite design cycle". A
    SMD camera will be used in a Disaster Management (DM) mission
    like the Sri Lanka tsunami impact in 2004. The satellite will
    take pictures and send it back directly to the cell phone First
    Responders (FR) until the help is established. At the same time,
    a ground station programmed in the femtosatellite before launch
    will receive the pictures in order to assess the picture quality
    of the sensor.

    A series of simulations and studies will be performed like:
    Trajectory propagation simulation, Thermal study, Radiation
    assessment, Satellites/Space Debris/Asteroids collision risk
    assessment, Sensor coverage schedule study, Battery power
    management study and On-board sensor data assessment.


    Un femto-satélite tiene una masa de entre 10 y 100 gramos. Los
    satélites comunes se basan en cajas de diferentes fabricantes. La
    consecuencia de esta arquitectura es un incremento de la masa
    debido a las estructuras, cableado y conectores. En este trabajo
    proponemos seguir lo conocido como "Thinking outside the box", un
    planteamiento diferente que se refiere a diseñar el satélite
    completo en una única placa PCB. Pero al final, la carga de pago
    es una caja; el cliente protege el sensor con una caja; en
    contraste, nosotros proponemos integrar la carga de pago en el
    ciclo de diseño del satélite. Por supuesto el cliente debe seguir
    una serie de reglas: la arquitectura de la carga se basa en
    tecnología Surface Mounted Device (SMD) y la creciente
    nanotecnología en forma de Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems

    Este trabajo de final de carrera (TFC) pondrá a prueba este
    concepto de "Integración de la carga en el ciclo de diseño de un
    femto-satélite". Una cámara del tipo SMD será usada en una misión
    de Gestión de Catástrofes (DM) como el impacto del tsunami en Sri
    Lanka en el 2004. El satélite tomará fotografías y las enviará
    directamente a los teléfonos móviles de los First Responders (FR)
    mientras se establece la ayuda. Al mismo tiempo, una estación de
    tierra programada en el femto-satélite antes del lanzamiento
    recibirá las imágenes con tal de valorar la calidad de las
    imágenes del sensor.

    Se realizarán una serie de simulaciones como: simulación de la
    propagación de la trayectoria, estudio térmico, valoración de la
    radiación, valoración del riesgo de colisión con Satélites/Basura
    espacial/Asteroides, estudio de la cobertura del sensor, estudio
    de la gestión de la batería y valoración de los datos del sensor.
    Overview (resum en anglès):
    A femtosatellite has a mass between 10 and 100 grams. Current satellites are based on boxes owned by different manufacturers. The consequence of this architecture is an increment of mass due to structures, wiring and connectors. In this work we propose to follow the well known "Thinking outside the box" where in our case it will mean to design the whole satellite in a single PCB board. Nevertheless, payloads are boxes; the client covers the payload sensor inside a box; in contrast we propose to integrate the payload in the satellite design cycle. Of course some design rules must be followed by the client: Payload architecture is based on the Surface Mounted Device (SMD) technology and the growing nanotechnology in form of Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS).

    This final bachelor work (TFC) will put to the test this concept of "Payload integration in the femtosatellite design cycle". A SMD camera will be used in a Disaster Management (DM) mission like the Sri Lanka tsunami impact in 2004. The satellite will take pictures and send it back directly to the cell phone First Responders (FR) until the help is established. At the same time, a ground station programmed in the femtosatellite before launch will receive the pictures in order to assess the picture quality of the sensor.

    A series of simulations and studies will be performed like: Trajectory propagation simulation, Thermal study, Radiation assessment, Satellites/Space Debris/Asteroids collision risk assessment, Sensor coverage schedule study, Battery power management study and On-board sensor data assessment.

    © CBLTIC Campus del Baix Llobregat - UPC