CBL - Campus del Baix Llobregat

Projecte llegit

Títol: Disseny d'un algorisme d'optimització de preus en viatges multidestí.

Estudiants que han llegit aquest projecte:


Departament: MAT

Títol: Disseny d'un algorisme d'optimització de preus en viatges multidestí.

Data inici oferta: 02-02-2015     Data finalització oferta: 02-10-2015

Estudis d'assignació del projecte:
    Tipus: Individual
    Lloc de realització: EETAC
    Paraules clau:
    algorisme, assignació, eficiència, vols, grups
    Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
    L'objectiu del projecte és dissenyar un algorisme eficient que
    permeti optimitzar el preu de viatges multidestins. Implementar-lo i comprovar la seva eficiència amb dades reals del mercat.

    El problema a estudiar és un problema real sorgit en l'àmbit
    d'una empresa.
    Overview (resum en anglès):

    Thanks to the technological innovation, the world of aviation has grown considerably in the last years. Concerning the number of airports and the airlines there has been a considerable growth too. One of the effects of this growth is the rise of the offer of flight tickets, even in the same journey. In the last years, the role of the travel agency in the sale of tickets has been replaced by online flight search engines, taking advantage of the widespread use of internet.

    This project is included in the field of flights search through the network and is aimed at those people who are decided to travel and who want to visit many cities, but who also are flexible concerning the destination and the dates.
    The project proposes an innovative model of an online searcher that is more flexible than the conventional search engines because of the ability to choose a period of days to travel and its originality concerning the cities that are not fixed a priori.

    To achieve this goal we have designed a model based on weighted digraphs, in which we have applied a basic graph theory algorithm called Dijkstra. In this case, the digraph represents a network of European airports with data available and the weights represent the different travel prices between the airports, obtained through a data base. In this model, the user fixes a city of origin, a period of travelling days and the duration of the trip. Thus, the search result is a list of travel options. The travel price, the cities and the travel period appear in every option.

    The fact that the user can’t set the destination is an innovative option and provides alternative optimized results in contrast to the existing multi- destination trips.

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