CBL - Campus del Baix Llobregat

Projecte llegit

Títol: Estudio de las posibilidades de uso de energías renovables y construcción de una pista sobre el mar en un aeropouerto de tamaño mediano

Estudiants que han llegit aquest projecte:


Departament: ESAII

Títol: Estudio de las posibilidades de uso de energías renovables y construcción de una pista sobre el mar en un aeropouerto de tamaño mediano

Data inici oferta: 18-09-2018     Data finalització oferta: 18-04-2019

Estudis d'assignació del projecte:
Tipus: Conjunt     Nombre d'estudiants per realitzar-ho: 1-2
Lloc de realització: EETAC
Paraules clau:
Energías Renovables, Eólica, Térmica, Fotovoltáica, Híbrida, Aeropuerto, Pista sobre mar
Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
El proyecto es muy ambicioso, en su primera fase se escogerá un (o un grupo reducido) aeropuerto español de tamaño mediano donde sea aconsejable plantear: 1) la posibilidad de una nueva pista sobre el mar y 2) se aprovechará el mismo para estudiar todas las posibilidades de incorporación de energías renovables. Cada uno de estos puntos podrá ser elaborado por un estudiante en este proyecto conjunto.

Desde el principio la propia selección del aeropuerto adecuado se realizará mediante la aplicación del llamado modelo PESTEL, que analiza separadamente los aspectos políticos, económicos, sociales, tecnológicos, ecológicos y legales de la elección, pero no se excluye la posibilidad de desarrollar un método general para combinar las diferentes evaluaciones parciales en un criterio global de selección.

Pasada la primera fase se procederá en paralelo a un estudio realista de la posibilidad y pertinencia de construcción de una pista sobre el mar, por una parte, y a un estudio exhaustivo de las alternativas actuales para la introducción de fuentes de energía renovables capaces de satisfacer el máximo de necesidades del aeropuerto seleccionado.
Overview (resum en anglès):
The aim of this project has been focused in the study of possible solutions to medium-size airport in Spain in order to solve capacity problems and reduce the environment impact. A priori, two solutions need to be studied to demonstrate its viability. The first one is the implementation of a new runway over the sea to enhance the capacity and the second one, the introduction of renewable technologies to supply total or partially the energy demand on the airport (to determine) reducing emissions.

The first part of the project is focused on the choice of the candidate to incorporate both solutions based on a method that takes into account different factors (P.E.S.T.E.L. model). After the first approach, Lanzarote Airport is chosen due to its suitable location near the sea, the possibility of incorporation a new runway to cover the high demand of the recent years; and the suitable conditions to profit renewable sources such as wind or sun radiation.
A first analysis has been introduced to justify the viability of the project taking into account the recent situation of the airport, demand and capacity prediction by 2030 from an eight-historical-year-trend doing linear, parabolic and exponential regressions; and the environmental and social impact that new runway over the sea would entail.

In the second chapter of this project, the orientation and dimensioning of the track has been designed taking into account its limiting factors and following the procedures in ICAO Annex 14.

For the orientation of the runway, the factor of at least 95% of utility has been taken into account first from the analysis of the wind rose for the Lanzarote airport. Secondly, the noise generated by the new track on the nearby population has been taken into account in such a way that it does not exceed the Lden established by Law 37/2003 of the Royal Decree. Thirdly, the assessment of compliance with limited surfaces has been taken into account to guarantee the operations safety on the new runway to be built. As a last important factor when designing the orientation, the study of the orography near the coast of the Lanzarote Airport has been considered to verify the feasibility of making structures on the seabed.

For runway dimension, the ICAO Annex 14 manual has been followed to specify the most relevant characteristics of a runway: runway length, width of the runway, margins and taxiways that intrinsically depended on the Airport reference key and the aircraft type considered to operate.

The third and final chapter focus on the importance of keeping in mind the preservation of the environment in the aeronautical sector. Energy consumption prediction has been made in order to know the amount of energy to that will need to be supplied by the Lanzarote Airport by 2030 and a sustainable model based on Solar and Wind energy is proposed for the future demand.

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