CBL - Campus del Baix Llobregat

Projecte llegit

Títol: Sensors de radiofreqüència per a la mobilitat urbana automàtica


Departament: TSC

Títol: Sensors de radiofreqüència per a la mobilitat urbana automàtica

Data inici oferta: 06-02-2019     Data finalització oferta: 06-10-2019

Estudis d'assignació del projecte:
Tipus: Individual
Lloc de realització: EETAC
Paraules clau:
sensors, mobilitat urbana, radiofreqüència, guiatge automàtic
Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
Els vehicles autònoms disposaran d’una intel.ligència artificial que els permetrà arribar al seu destí sense requerir d’intervenció humana.

L’objectiu d’aquest projecte és esbrinar i avaluar quins tipus de sensors de radiofreqüència poden resultar més eficients per a radiobalitzar la ciutat de forma que puguin servir per a fer la senyalització adequada per als sistemes de guiatge automàtic dels vehicles autònoms.

Overview (resum en anglès):

Currently, due to the emergency of climate change and the limitation of fossil resources among others, electric vehicles are gaining weight in society compared to those of combustion. In parallel, the increase in technology to carry out artificial intelligence has made it possible for a car to circulate autonomously. The future of the automobile industry is beginning to outline.

The present project is the continuation of the work “Estudi, dimensionament i impacte del sistema de guiatge del vehicle autònom”. The latter deals with the idea of guiding autonomous vehicles in the same way that IP network do it with the packages. In a scenario where all traffic signs are removed except those aimed at pedestrians, the vehicles (package) will be guided by the instructions that will be communicated by the beacon (switch), located between an intersection of streets.
The idea of a model distributed by a guiding system in an urban environment presents some problems. We propose a centralized model, which provides more power computing to the system and a correct adaptation to the vehicular ecosystem.
The communications between vehicle and infrastructure present some disadvantages which must be solved. The brief period of time available for establishing a connection, the interferences present in a city or dynamic environment will mark the line of study. Moreover, the type of communication system both in vehicles and beacons will be considered.
Finally, we take a look at the technologies of the future such as machine learning or quantum physics applied and which is what they would bring to the project. Before, however, theorizes about possible protocols and security systems in case of breakdowns or falls. Here, the fact of placing beacons on the outside plays a role in favor.

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