CBL - Campus del Baix Llobregat

Projecte llegit


Estudiants que han llegit aquest projecte:


Departament: TSC


Data inici oferta: 16-09-2019     Data finalització oferta: 16-09-2019

Estudis d'assignació del projecte:
Tipus: Individual
Lloc de realització: ERASMUS
        Supervisor/a extern: Haithem Taha
        Institució/Empresa: Universitat de Califòrnia (Irvine)
        Titulació del Director/a: Ph.D. Applied Mathematics,
Paraules clau:
model de roll de l'avió Control geomètric no-linial. Algebra de Lie
Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
Preparar la part experimental que pretén comprovar el funcionament d'un nou model de roll quan l'avió es troba en pèrdues. Aquest nou mecanisme es basa en el control geomètric no-linial i utilitza àlgebra de Lie (com ja vam veure) en el seu funcionament.
Overview (resum en anglès):
According to recent research conducted by professor
Haithem E. Taha and Ahmed M. Hasan, there is a
loss in the control capabilities of the ailerons when
flying at stall regime. Not only the sensitivity of
this control surface decreases in its ability to generate
roll moment but it produces the opposite effect, making
the aircraft unpredictable. In order to overcome
this situation, an unconventional method, called LIBRA,
has been devised, involving geometric nonlinear
control tools such as Lie brackets. In the numerical
simulations, this mechanism would generate up to 4
times more rolling moment than the conventional procedure.
The first stage of the experimental research on the
LIBRA mechanism consists of finding out the aerodynamic
characteristics of a small-scaled aircraft model
in which the mechanism will be implemented as well
as determining if there really exists a loss in the control
capabilities when flying at stall. This experiments
will be performed in a wind tunnel and both the forces
and moments acting on an aircraft will have to be
Currently there exist in the market multi-axis load
cells that can measure moments and forces in all directions.
However, they have fixed capacities and they
are very expensive and delicate. One of the main goals
of this thesis will be the design and manufacturing of
a modular load cell system able to measure forces and
moments in four different axis.
Besides, the unconventional method will be thoroughly
described from a differential geometry perspective.
Finally, by means of the 4-axis load cell
system, forces and moments will be measured in different
control configurations at stall, in order to test
the rolling generating capabilities of the ailerons.

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