CBL - Campus del Baix Llobregat

Projecte llegit

Títol: Disseny d'estructura per a torre de control


Departament: RMEE

Títol: Disseny d'estructura per a torre de control

Data inici oferta: 19-11-2019     Data finalització oferta: 19-06-2020

Estudis d'assignació del projecte:
Tipus: Individual
Lloc de realització: EETAC
Paraules clau:
Estructures, Construcció, Aeroports, Geotècnia, Edificació
Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
El projecte contempla en primer lloc l'establiment del pla de
necessitats que determinarà la geometria de l'estructura. A
continuació es farà un estudi previ per determinar la tipologia
i materials estructurals més adequats. Finalment es farà el
dimensionament de l'estructura i la seva fonamentació. Els
resultats de tot plegat quedaran recollits en una Memòria i
Plànols constructius.
Overview (resum en anglès):
This Project focuses on the design of the structure of an airport control tower. The study is divided into nine chapters.

The first chapter collects all the information related to the regulatory technical documents and/or papers, used as a basis for the development of the entire project.

In the second chapter, the control tower is presented within the airport context (concept, functions carried out in it, how it is divided at the building level, etc.). On the other hand, the criteria to be followed to determine its location within the airport as well as its height are exposed.

In addition to the purely functional aspects, it is also important to take into account others such as aesthetics, very considered and important from an architectural point of view. For this reason, before starting with the structural development, it is necessary to be clear about what you want to convey with this design proposal. All of this is discussed in chapter three.

Continuing with the study, in the fourth chapter, the different parts that make up the final structure are designed. It begins with the foundation, of which a theoretical study is presented and continues with the shaft and the control position. Finally, there is an analysis on the unions. The different techniques that exist and which is the most optimal for this structure are analyzed.

The fifth chapter is focused on the materials. In it, a study on steel, concrete and a comparison between the two is presented in order to choose the best solution for the project. The decision made here is linked in part, with everything explained in chapter three.

With the materials chosen, the design and selection of the sections for the different profiles continues. Pillars, beams and their location are analyzed separately to choose the best option in each section. This is found in the sixth chapter.

With the theoretical part complete, we move on the digital part that will serve to simulate and check the viability of the proposal.

The chapter seven presents the entire environment of the Robot Structural, the program chosen for the simulations. The initial parameters of the design and analysis standard, the loads, the sections and the materials for the different profiles are defined. With all of the above done, the 3D geometric model is created and with this the wind simulation and the load combination are created. Finally, the structure is calculated.

With the simulations completed, the structure is verified in ELS (displacements) and ELU (resistance) using the results obtained for each element (column and beam) that make up the tower.

In the last chapter, the ninth, the corresponding conclusions are drawn that, among other things, allow the generation of the final 3D model.

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