CBL - Campus del Baix Llobregat

Projecte llegit

Títol: Identidad digital soberana

Estudiants que han llegit aquest projecte:


Departament: ENTEL

Títol: Identidad digital soberana

Data inici oferta: 30-01-2020     Data finalització oferta: 30-09-2020

Estudis d'assignació del projecte:
Tipus: Individual
Lloc de realització: EETAC
Paraules clau:
blockchain, identidad digital soberana, uPort, Cibertickets
Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
El término blockchain o cadena de bloques hace referencia a una
base de datos distribuida, que contiene un conjunto inmutable
de transacciones y que se distribuye entre los miembros de una
red peer-to-peer. Blockchain no requiere la presencia de una
tercera parte de confianza que valide dichas transacciones sino
que la validación se realiza de forma distribuida entre los
participantes de la red (peers), usando los denominados
protocolos de consenso.

Existen diversos tipos de blockchain y cada uno dispone de su
propia criptomoneda para usar en las transacciones. A día de
hoy la más famosa es, sin duda, Bitcoin pero existen otras que
cada vez cobran mayor importancia, como Ethereum.

Aunque la aplicación típica de blockchain es guardar un
registro de transacciones económicas, esta tecnología puede ser
usada con otros propósitos, como albergar contratos
inteligentes, generar tokens o gestionar identidades
digitales. El objetivo de este TFG es estudiar cómo implementar
algunas de estas aplicaciones en diferentes tecnologías

Overview (resum en anglès):
The recent development of ICT (Information and Communications Technologies) has radically altered the concept of identity, which today embodies the different social levels of an individual, such as: family, work and friends. Digital identity is built not only upon what we are, but also from what we do online and how we interact to others, that is why it has become so relevant. Moreover, with more than three billion users on the Internet, each of them with multiple digital identities, managing these identities is very important. People often have the feeling that we do not have control of our information, due to the large number of private companies that daily commercialize with our data without our explicit consent.
This is how the concept of sovereign digital identity arises, it is an expression of digital identity in which the user has full control of their data, apart from being able to manage who can access them and on which terms.
In this project, the main objective is to promote uPort, a powerful technology that will be soon part of our daily lives. To achieve this goal, a depth analysis of this new identity paradigm has been carried out, outlining the main differences and advantages with respect to a centralized identity system. On the other hand, a search for possible use cases has been executed and an application called Cibertickets has been implemented. It shows how using uPort as a management system of sovereign digital identity, multiple problems in the process of buying tickets for events are solved. For example, prevent the use of bots to buy tickets massively and be able to resell them, the frequent dependence on third-party intermediary companies such as Facebook or Google to register or even the difficulty of certain companies to accomplish the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation).

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