CBL - Campus del Baix Llobregat

Projecte llegit

Títol: Implementacio d'un sistema de lean menagement en la produccio de productes sense gluten

Estudiant que ha llegit aquest projecte:


Departament: DEAB

Títol: Implementacio d'un sistema de lean menagement en la produccio de productes sense gluten

Data inici oferta: 08-06-2022      Data finalització oferta: 08-02-2023

Estudis d'assignació del projecte:

Lloc de realització:

En empresa (cal signar un conveni de cooperació)

        Tutor Extern: Gemma Gasull
        Institució/Empresa: Airos Delicatessen

Paraules clau:
panificació, brioxeria, optimització, Lean Manufacturing, millora continua

Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
L'objectiu general, és implementar una millora a la producció en el departament
d'envasat a partir de l'avaluació de la situació actual de l'empresa sobre les tècniques
que s'apliquen del Lean Manufacturing. I dissenyar i implementar un Smed, una
polivalencia i una estandarització a l'empresa Airos Delicatessen

Overview (resum en anglès): In this work course of Final of Grade, it realises in Airos Delicatessen company; a family business with more than 25 years of experience in the food sector, specifically, gluten free bread and pastries.
The principal objective in this work course is applicate some tools of Lean Manufacturing, for to improve the levels of productivity of the lines of the packaging department of free gluten food; process optimization, reduce waste, reduce production times and costs and improve the quality of the company thanks to the development of this method.
The work is structured in two parts. The first is the theoretical part, the development of the Lean Manufacturing method, which will serve as a guide to learn the key concepts of the world of production, specifically in the continuous improvement sector.
The second part focuses on the department of the company where the method is developed and is where the strengths and weaknesses of the packaging department will be seen in order to simulate the applicability of some of the Lean Manufacturing tools.
As a final result, with the realization of the VSM diagram, the goal is to visualize, analyse and improve the flow of the production process, and with the standardization of an SMED, this is a work technique that allows to reduce the time of change and/or configuration of a product in less than 10 minutes. With these two, the production time of cupcakes could be improved, therefore, more quantity would be manufactured with the same time and more profits would be obtained.

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