CBL - Campus del Baix Llobregat

Projecte llegit

Títol: Tratamiento terciario de agua residual para la producción de cianobacterias ricas en bioestimulantes

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Departament: DEAB

Títol: Tratamiento terciario de agua residual para la producción de cianobacterias ricas en bioestimulantes

Data inici oferta: 16-06-2022      Data finalització oferta: 16-02-2023

Estudis d'assignació del projecte:

Lloc de realització:

UPC      Departament/centre: Grup GEMMA Department Enginyeria Civil i Ambiental

Segon tutor extern: Ana Álvarez

Paraules clau:
Cianobacterias, Agua residual, Bioestimulantes

Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
El trabajo tiene 3 objetivos específicos:
1. Crecer cianobacterias en un reactor cerrado de 30 L
alimentado con agua residual secundaria
2. Probar diferentes estrategias de operación del reactor
(luz, tiempo retención hidráulico, etc.) para optimizar la
producción de cianobacterias
3. Una vez el crecimiento de la cianobacteria esté estable
en el reactor de 30 L, se procederá con la determinación el poder
bioestimulante de la biomasa a través de la caracterización de
ciertas fitohormonas (auxinas, giberelinas, etc.).

Overview (resum en anglès): Agriculture is affected by climate change, which directly and negatively affects crops. In addition to this problem, there are more and more people in the world and the world does not have enough resources to support us all. Therefore, we have a duty to try to solve this problem.

Cyanobacteria need nutrients to grow, such as nitrogen and phosphorus. These nutrients can come from secondary effluents from sewage treatment plants. By feeding these effluents to cyanobacteria, we would be using waste as a resource.

In addition, cyanobacteria have a biostimulant activity because they themselves produce phytohormones that help plants grow, so when applied to plants, they will grow faster and increase resources.

The project has three main parts. The first part consisted of growing the Synechocystis sp. culture with wastewater in a photobioreactor and measuring its productivity, which was 74 mg·L-1·d-1, as well as monitoring nutrients and growth parameters.

In the second part of the project, the best method to lyse the cell of Synechocysti sp. to make the phytohormones accessible was investigated. The method chosen was the sonicator, which was subsequently optimised by adding fewer cycles, in total 10 cycles were chosen.

Finally, the last part of the experiment was based on a series of bioassays with seeds and seedlings from Synechocystis sp. grown in a BG-11 medium, in order to know the biostimulant effect of these cyanobacteria and to quantify it. On average, Synechocystis sp. caused an effect between 1 ppm and 5 ppm of cytokinins.

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