CBL - Campus del Baix Llobregat

Projecte llegit

Títol: Nous ingredients alimentaris a partir de l'alga 'Ulva ohnoi': influència dels processos de conservació en la seva composició

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Departament: DEAB

Títol: Nous ingredients alimentaris a partir de l'alga 'Ulva ohnoi': influència dels processos de conservació en la seva composició

Data inici oferta: 21-07-2022      Data finalització oferta: 31-12-2022

Estudis d'assignació del projecte:

Lloc de realització:

Paraules clau:
macroalga, clorofil·la, compostos bioactius, capacitat antioxidant, minerals, intensitat lumínica i pretractament

Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
En aquest TFG es vol estudiar les possibilitats de l'alga 'Ulva ohnoi' com a ingredient en la formulació d'aliments a partir de proteïna vegetal.
En el treball s'estudiarà l'efecte dels processos de conservació de l'alga després de la seva recol·lecta en la seva composició nutricional. D'aquesta forma es proposarà un mètode per l'obtenció de l'alga com a ingredient alimentari.

Overview (resum en anglès):
The search for new foods in the face of the limitation of terrestrial resources and the remarkable
growth of the population have promoted the investigation of algae as a new source of nutrients to
cover human needs. Seaweed has been in great demand in the food industry worldwide in recent
years, both as a food and as a source of hydrocolloids. Macroalgae may be a possible alternative,
since they are used as a biofilter in IMTA-RAS systems (Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture
Recirculating Aquaculture System). In this, growth conditions are controlled, and possible toxicity is
avoided when obtained from marine environments. The objective of this work has been to analyze
how culture conditions, pretreatments and post-harvest conservation methods can affect the
different components of the cultivated green algae Ulva ohnoi to evaluate its use in the food
industry. The parameters analyzed are chlorophyll in fresh seaweed, as well as the number of
phenolic compounds and antioxidant capacity, mineral matter, and the different minerals (Na, K,
Ca, Mg and Fe) of the dehydrated seaweed.
The chlorophyll content is lower when the light intensity is 700 µmoles of photons·m-2
·s-1 due to the
high radiation that causes the photoinhibition of the alga. The results obtained from the bioactive
compounds are superior to those found in other studies and it should be noted that they vary
according to the light intensity and the pretreatment, since the sample from the tank with the
highest radiation and which has not been subjected to any washing treatment, presents values
higher than the rest, this may be because photoinhibition generates some antioxidant that is lost in
the wash. Regarding the content of mineral matter, the results do not differ from those previously
reported, highlighting the influence of the pretreatment in the samples, since its content is higher
if they have not been subjected to a washing process. In the amounts of the minerals studied (Na,
K, Ca, Mg and Fe) there is an influence determined by the pretreatment and the light intensity of
the tanks, but not by the conservation processes. The samples from the brightest tank had higher
amounts of magnesium and calcium, similar amounts of sodium and potassium, and lower amounts
of iron than those from the lower lighted tank.

© CBLTIC Campus del Baix Llobregat - UPC