CBL - Campus del Baix Llobregat

Projecte llegit

Títol: Disseny i caracterització de biosensors pel monitoratge de marcadors en l'entorn esportiu i sanitari

Estudiant que ha llegit aquest projecte:


Departament: EEL

Títol: Disseny i caracterització de biosensors pel monitoratge de marcadors en l'entorn esportiu i sanitari

Data inici oferta: 15-01-2023      Data finalització oferta: 15-09-2023

Estudis d'assignació del projecte:

Lloc de realització:

En empresa (cal signar un conveni de cooperació)

        Tutor Extern: Genís Rabost Garcia
        Institució/Empresa: Onalabs Inno-Hub Sl

Paraules clau:
Sensors elèctrics, Ions, Sistema microfluídic, Suor, Sensor electroquímic, Conductivitat, Sodi, Electròlits, Deshidratació

Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
L'objectiu de la realització d'aquest TFG serà el disseny i la
caracterització de sensors potenciomètrics per detectar ions com
el sodi o el potassi de manera no invasiva a través de la suor,
destinats a l'aplicació en l'àmbit mèdic. També es portaran a
terme tasques associades a la validació d¿un dispositiu de
monitoratge de la deshidratació i lactat en l'àmbit esportiu,
sobretot en el component sensòric que consta d¿un sistema de
sensors electroquímics i un sistema microfluídic. Les tasques
principals que formaran part del projecte són:
- Desenvolupament de sensors electroquímics (conductivitat, sodi,
glucosa fins i tot).

- Caracterització al laboratori.

- Integració en dispositiu (microfluídica, electrònica
miniaturitzada de mesura,...)

- Validació en entorns rellevants tant esportius com sanitaris.

- Anàlisi dels resultats obtinguts i suport en la definició de
les funcionalitats del prototip.

Overview (resum en anglès): Currently, the sports community is in search of portable devices with the ability to monitor their training and recovery process accurately and continuously, with the primary goal of maximizing their physical performance in an optimal manner. However, there is an unmet medical need to obtain biomarkers of interest and adapt them into training protocols. This work covers the development and validation of biosensors integrated in a device (OnaSport) currently under development by the company Onalabs Inno-Hub. These biosensors are able to detect physiological parameters of athletes, in particular the dehydration factor and electrolyte loss. This detection is performed non-invasively and continuously by means of sweat. ¿In vitro¿ tests were carried out in a laboratory environment with controlled conditions to characterize the conductivity and sweating sensors developed throughout the project, thus obtaining correlations between electrical conductivity and sodium concentration in sweat that allow predicting the total loss of this ion during physical exercise. Thanks to this characterization, it was possible to generate an automation process to obtain more precise metrics from the sensors and with much more reproducible procedures. The "in vivo" analysis showed similarities with the "in vitro" results and pointed out the importance of adjusting the response time of the sensors (from the start of the activity to the contact of sweat with the electrodes). In addition, the device measurements were compared with reference methods and sensors, demonstrating an acceptable approximation in the dehydration values (relative error of less than 25%) and high reliability in the measurement of electrolyte loss (relative error of 5%). During data analysis, notable differences in sweat conductivity values were observed depending on the user's body zone, and it was shown that this variability between samples represents significant evidence that needs to be considered in order to convert local values obtained by the sensor into values at the global level of the individual. For future research, the analysis performed in the present study suggests the need to further explore the impact of external factors, as well as inter- and intra-subject variability. Although limitations and areas for improvement were identified, the results obtained support the usefulness of the device in the monitoring of physiological parameters during physical activity.

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