CBL - Campus del Baix Llobregat

Projecte llegit

Títol: Estudio sobre el potencial de implantación de Sistemas Urbanos de Drenaje Sostenible en el litoral del Maresme entre Cabrera de Mar y Montgat.

Estudiant que ha llegit aquest projecte:


Departament: DEAB

Títol: Estudio sobre el potencial de implantación de Sistemas Urbanos de Drenaje Sostenible en el litoral del Maresme entre Cabrera de Mar y Montgat.

Data inici oferta: 03-02-2023      Data finalització oferta: 06-10-2023

Estudis d'assignació del projecte:

Lloc de realització:

Paraules clau:
Drenaje, urbano, sostenible, litoral, escorrentía

Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
El proyecto de pacificación de la N-II desde el tramo de Cabrera de Mar a Montgat ha

reafirmado los existentes problemas de drenaje en la zona y como estos afectan

directamente a los servicios y las zonas residenciales ya existentes. Este proyecto

supone una oportunidad para analizar y aportar posibles soluciones a la resolución de

estas problemáticas identificadas en el momento actual y en el futuro, con la

intensificación de los efectos sobre la hidrología derivados del cambio climático, como

la afectación a los eventos de pluviometría y el aumento del nivel del mar.

Así, el trabajo deberá incorporar un análisis de las dinámicas hidrológicas actuales en

el área de estudio y el comportamiento del agua tanto a nivel superficial como en el

subsuelo, atendiendo a su comportamiento en el pasado, el presente y el futuro:

desde el entendimiento de las dinámicas hidrológicas pasadas, pasando por los

factores que han generado las problemáticas actuales e introduciendo los factores de

crisis actuales y su evolución prevista en el futuro.

Además, se determinarán las problemáticas generadas por el agua y su drenaje, a

escala de conjunto y municipal, haciendo un diagnóstico y caracterización de las

afecciones concretas de cada punto de drenaje deficiente.

Por último, se identificarán los espacios de oportunidad en el recorrido de los drenajes

que generen interferencias hidrológicas dentro del sistema urbano y se propondrán

diversas soluciones a las problemáticas detectadas, definitivas o parciales.

Overview (resum en anglès): The N-II pacification project from the section from Cabrera de Mar to Montgat has reaffirmed the existing drainage problems and deficiencies in the area and how these directly affect existing services and residential areas.
The study carried out incorporates an analysis of the current hydrological dynamics in the study area (section from Cabrera de Mar to Montgat) and the behavior of water both at the surface level and in the subsoil, taking into account its behavior in the past, present and the future. Taking into account the understanding of past hydrological dynamics, going through the factors that have generated the current problems and introducing the current crisis factors and their expected evolution in the future. In addition, the problems generated by water and its drainage are determined, at the community and municipal scale, making a diagnosis and characterization of the specific conditions of each poor drainage area.
The general objective of the study is:
1. Develop a study of the Maresme coastline, specifically from Cabrera de Mar to Montgat, which analyzes and proposes places of opportunity to make improvements regarding drainage and its affectations.
The specific objectives of the study are the following:
1. Analyze the environment of the past, present and future taking into account the natural and anthropic factors that determine drainage problems and deficiencies in the study area.
2. Determine rainwater management strategies taking into account the problems detected in each municipality.
3. Justify and characterize the problems and deficiencies detected in each municipality in order to propose areas of opportunity where to apply the design of the SUDS.
In the first part of the study, after having developed the parameters that negatively affect the drainage of the area, it is concluded that the municipalities most affected by drainage and movement of water, as well as by climate change and the morphology of the place are the municipalities of Cabrera de Mar, Vilasar de Mar and Premia de Mar.
Next, the opportunity spaces are identified in the most vulnerable municipalities within the drainage route, which generates hydrological interference in the urban system. Various solutions are proposed in the detected problem areas, which involve incorporating the design of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS) in the detected opportunity spaces that contemplate the greatest possible number of parameters, complying with the conditions regarding universal accessibility, mobility, functionality, environmental quality, biodiversity, urban landscape, sustainability and resilience.
The results extracted from this study highlight that the type of SUDS chosen is based on the characteristics and morphology of the place, which is why it has only been possible to propose detention and retention SUDS in the municipalities of Vilasar de Mar and Premia de Mar. Although In Vilasar de Mar it is planned to install various lamination ponds to contain excess water at specific points. Cabrera de Mar is a municipality in which it has been possible to apply a greater range of possibilities in reference to the SUDS since the highest area of ¿¿the municipality had greater permeability.
On the other hand, the rise in sea level will cause real damage to the infrastructures of the municipalities studied (Cabrera de Mar, Vilasar de Mar and Premia de Mar), especially in the urban areas closest to the seafront.
In conclusion, the unique and exclusive application of the Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems in the three municipalities detected with the highest risk, are not enough to manage and mitigate the effects of the drainage problem and the rise in sea level, for which reason recommends carrying out a process of deconstruction and expropriation.

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