Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
El TFG se basa en hacer un anàlisi de la cadena del higo basado en
analizar los datos secundarios disponibles en cuanto a oferta y
demanda. También se realizarán una recogida de datos a
consumidores, productores y otros agentes de la cadena basados en
entrevsitas, encuestas y grupos de discusión.
Los resultados esperan arrojar luz a la situación actual y los
problemas debla cadena actual en Catalunya.
Overview (resum en anglès):
Consumers¿ interest and purchase intentions towards local and zero-km-product are growing and currently are a market trend. Consumers are looking for seasonal and quality products. This is where the Short food supply chains (SFSC) come in, the distribution channels that would empower farmers and, at the same time, satisfy consumers¿ demand for this class of product. In this research, as part of the LAB4SUPPLY project, an exploratory market study of the fig value chain was carried out, focused on the municipality of Alguaire (El Segrià). In the first place, a contextualization of the fig value chain in Catalonia is presented, which consists of a land use analysis by region of the hectares of fig trees, its production, and the trade balance. Secondly, a market study is carried out with a total of 125 surveys to different members of the fig chain (farmers, industries, restaurants, shops and consumers) and a focus group with 10 stakeholders directly or indirectly related with the Alguaire fig. The results suggest that farmers obtain a greater return from this business model, although more effort should be done to ensure differentiation and increasing the added value. In the case of Alguaire, the consolidation of the Fira de la Figa and the obtaining of the Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) are actions in this strategy.