CBL - Campus del Baix Llobregat

Criteris d'avaluació


Criteris d'avaluació vigents en el quadrimestre 2024-1

    Exercicis i controls
    EX1 20%
    EX2 20%
    EX3 20%
    EX4 20%
    EX5 20%
    Criteris del sistema qualificació
    The evaluation is based on take-home assignments, where the students have to write python codes to solve specific problems with the algorithms discussed in class.
    5 take-home assignments (100% of the final grade, each 20%).
    In case of failing, the grade will be based on one additional written in-class exam on the date fixed in the calendar of final exams. The grade obtained in the additional written in-class exam will range between 0 and 10 and will replace that of the course based on the take-home assignments

© CBLTIC Campus del Baix Llobregat - UPC