CBL - Campus del Baix Llobregat

Projecte llegit

Títol: Estudi de viabilitat d'una ruta directa entre Barcelona i Tokyo


Departament: EETAC

Títol: Estudi de viabilitat d'una ruta directa entre Barcelona i Tokyo

Data inici oferta: 19-06-2012     Data finalització oferta: 19-02-2013

Estudis d'assignació del projecte:
    Tipus: Conjunt     Nombre d'estudiants per realitzar-ho: 1-2
    Lloc de realització: EETAC
    Paraules clau:
    Transport aeri, rutes aèries, companyies aèries, aeroports, tarifes, explotació, operació
    Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
    1. Briefing
    1.1 Informació General
    1.2 Informació dels Aeroports
    1.3 Mercats
    2. Perfil del Passatger
    2.1 Tipus de passatger
    2.2 Fluxe de tràfic (des de/cap a)
    2.3 Tipus de fluxe (Grups/Inviduals/Incentius/Corporatiu/Internet)
    2.4 Preferències dels passatgers / Sensibilitats (Preu/Horaris/Producte)
    2.5 Connexions domèstiques a JP
    3. Tipus de Mercat
    3.1 Percentatges del mercat i tamany del mercat
    3.2 Expectatives anuals
    3.3 Estacionalitat del mercat
    3.4 Altres possibilitats del mercat
    3.5 Potencial "Beyond"
    3.6 Potencial inbound
    4. Competidors
    4.1 Aerolínies, O&D, horaris
    4.2 Noves aerolínies
    4.3 Aerolínies que han deixat de volar / van deixar de volar la ruta
    4.4 Tarifes
    5. Operativa
    5.1 Llibertats de l'aire
    5.2 Convenis bilaterals
    5.3 Viabilitat aeroportuària (restriccions del propi aeroport)
    5.4 Empreses de Handling
    5.5 Disponibilitat d'slots
    5.6 Restriccions meteorològiques / curfews
    5.7 Tipus d'aeronau proposades
    7. Resum de reunions
    8. Conclusions
    9. Presentacio

    Overview (resum en anglès):

    This TFC is a study created from an airline perspective about an eventual
    operation of a route from Barcelona to Tokyo.
    The main target of the study is finding out whether it would be feasible to have
    a long range operation such as this one after the great interest shown by the
    Generalitat de Catalunya’s government to push Spanair operate this kind of
    routes short before the airline filed for bankruptcy.
    All information which has been used to prepare this report is taken from the
    tools which usually airlines have.
    This study is divided into two parts, the first one being the commercial
    feasibility study and the second being the operational feasibility. The first one
    allows us to get an idea about the traffic demand either from the Japanese side
    or from the Spanish side. Moreover it lets us know about the commercial
    requirements the route would have such as whether the flight should be
    seasonal or not, capacity offered should be higher or lower, traffic being leisure
    or corporate, etc. The second part, the operational one, basically studies the
    needs from the operational point of view, such as handling required for this
    flight type, fuel, etc. Finally the study offers the conclusions whether this kind of
    flight is feasible or not, first starting from the commercial point of view,
    afterwards with the operational point of view and finally with the global one.
    It is important to state that it would have been quite difficult to prepare this
    report without these tools and even though having them available and using
    them in many cases the data gathered is not enough to take proper
    conclusions and many times assumptions are to be made based in the lack of
    data and knowledge.
    According to the director requirements, we have tried to provide further details
    in some parts of the study which would not be needed as per the study targets.
    However, we proceeded this way in order to create a study which may be of
    use for certain subjects of the aeronautics degree.

    © CBLTIC Campus del Baix Llobregat - UPC