Projecte llegit
Títol: Diseño del sistema de control de tubo de burbujas para estimulación de personas con discapacidad
Estudiants que han llegit aquest projecte:
MARTRET TORRENT, ALBERT (data lectura: 10-09-2015)- Cerca aquest projecte a Bibliotècnica

Departament: EEL
Títol: Diseño del sistema de control de tubo de burbujas para estimulación de personas con discapacidad
Data inici oferta: 23-06-2014 Data finalització oferta: 23-02-2015
Estudis d'assignació del projecte:
Tipus: Individual | |
Lloc de realització: EETAC | |
Paraules clau: | |
DMX, discapacitat, aprenentatge cognitiu, tub de bombolles, | |
Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats: | |
Se realizará el sistema de control electrónico que permita mediante
señal de RF, conmutador y señal DMX el control óptimo de un tubo de burbujas que sirva de estimulación a personas con discapacidad. |
Overview (resum en anglès): | |
This project is based on the principle of educability which says that every child and every person has the possibility of being educated and learning, with greater or lesser extent. So you will be able to work the media convinced that changes are always possible.
Fortunately, in our society there is a minority of disabled people. However, we have a growing number of disabled people who has to be able to access the same technologies as the rest. There are many types of disabilities and each one needs its own custom application. There are companies dedicated to offer this kind of help to adapt their homes and everyday objects to its easy use of their abilities. In the absence of excessive disabled people, the custom adaptation for each case makes itself the product too expensive and inaccessible for the most people. This project aims to help to develop the visual cognitive abilities of people with special educational needs, specifically those with multi-sensory impairments, who are difficult for them to share and receive knowledge and meet him outside. This is the case of children suffering from cerebral palsy, autism, Asperger syndrome, Down syndrome, among others, to acquire the knowledge and internalize easily. With communication it is referred to spoken language and sign language and other forms of nonverbal communication. After including nonverbal communication, there are also included other media and augmentative formats or alternative communication, we can say that for many students, the way they interact with the environment will be the referent multi-sensory communication. The prototype designed in this project could provide, in the future, multisensory rooms which are the result of the search for a predictable environment, accessible environment that enables students to their participation, autonomy, independence and ability election. An environment that allows them, through sensory experience, establish communication with the environment. If the design of this environment is added to the presence of a significant adult who believes in the person, regardless of their disability, will result in an environment that fosters of openness communication through the senses, ultimately, an enabling environment for multi-sensory communication. |