CBL - Campus del Baix Llobregat

Projecte llegit

Títol: Automatización en procesos TI: migración de sistema operativo y despliegues en equipos cliente.

Estudiants que han llegit aquest projecte:


Departament: DAC

Títol: Automatización en procesos TI: migración de sistema operativo y despliegues en equipos cliente.

Data inici oferta: 23-06-2015     Data finalització oferta: 24-06-2015

Estudis d'assignació del projecte:
    Tipus: Individual
    Lloc de realització: Fora UPC    
            Supervisor/a extern: David Quesada Navarro
            Institució/Empresa: Gesdocument y Gestión, S.A.
            Titulació del Director/a: :T.S. Administracion de S.I.
    Paraules clau:
    Migracion de sistema operativo, Proceso automático
    Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
    El proyecto consiste en el diseño, implementación y pruebas de un
    procedimiento para realizar la migración del sistema operativo en
    los equipos informáticos de una empresa con más de 150 ordenadores
    distribuidos en diferentes sedes. El proceso debe satisfacer
    diversos requisitos, entre ellos: rapidez, que sea automático y que
    no pierda datos de usuario.
    Overview (resum en anglès):
    We live in a world of continuous technological development. New operating systems, continuous updates, software, and tools adapted to the current systems in place. That is why our office hardware cannot remain technologically stagnant in order to avoid future problems. In this memorandum, I include the need for the company Gesdocument y Gestión, SA to address the above issues through our IT department. The main objective is to migrate from Windows XP to Windows 7 on all company computers while fulfilling certain requirements: process reliability, automation, and no loss of user data. And all this in a short time period. First, an analysis of all possible solutions to achieve these objectives without involving extra cost to the company will be conducted. The various solutions that result from the analysis will be detailed, explaining their advantages and disadvantages, comparison between them, and concluding with the final decision. Once the tool is determined, all the prerequisites will be described, the process of preparing the environment, the installation of the tool, the components of that installation, how I will create the structure, its set-up, and operation will all be detailed. Now with everything configured, I can start the testing process. It is important that everything runs smoothly and, above all, have the user information backup. I will run tests for different models of computers available to the company. According to the results, I will design the plan for the more than 150 computers distributed at the various company offices. Finally, I will provide the functionality for future use on the tool that will speed up and reduce IT staff work time.

    © CBLTIC Campus del Baix Llobregat - UPC