CBL - Campus del Baix Llobregat

Projecte llegit

Títol: Efectos de las interferencias electromagnéticas en la operativa de drones

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Departament: EEL

Títol: Efectos de las interferencias electromagnéticas en la operativa de drones

Data inici oferta: 14-09-2016     Data finalització oferta: 14-04-2017

Estudis d'assignació del projecte:
    Tipus: Individual
    Lloc de realització: EETAC
    Paraules clau:
    Interferencias electromagnéticas, Diseño de drones
    Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
    El objetivo es buscar una solución para conocer, prevenir y/o
    mitigar los efectos de campos eléctricos y magnéticos para la
    operativa de todos los drones de la empresa Hemav.
    Concretamente se pretenderá:
    1. Conocer la naturaleza física que afecta a los
    2. Conocer la frecuencia de afectación. (si aplica)
    3. Conocer la intensidad del campo.
    4. Estudiar tres propuestas para prevenir esta afectación
    5. Conocer el porcentaje de mitigación de interferencias en
    vuelo para las plataformas.
    Para ello se abordarán dos procesos:
    Elaboración de un procedimiento operacional para cumplir los
    objetivos. Y la implementación del desarrollo tecnológico para
    cumplir los objetivos.
    Overview (resum en anglès):

    Companies that work with drones often encounter electromagnetic
    compatibility problems when flying near communication antennas. This
    document aims to characterize and measure the type of waves that cause
    interferences and find methods to avoid or mitigate these effects.
    In the first place, a fieldwork has been made by using a UAV (Unmanned Aerial
    Vehicle) propriety of the company we have collaborated with (HEMAV). This
    study consists of testing the behavior of the drone in critical situations, like flying
    near antennas that emit medium or high power density values and over a wide
    range of frequencies. These cases are easily founded in normal flight
    operations. Once measurements have been obtained, the UAV memory will be
    studied in order to find a more accurate density value. With these tests, it is
    tried to find the minimum limit of power density and their respective frequencies
    in which the drone begins to show failures.
    After obtaining this range of power densities and frequencies, a second test will
    be carried out. This second test will be done in a controlled environment, an
    anechoic chamber. Once the test has been done a table will be generated
    showing the frequencies related to the maximum power densities accepted by
    the UAV. Taking into account that under normal conditions the polarization of
    the antennas cannot be detected the tests will be run under the worst condition.
    To conclude, a tool has been designed to be used in case a Yagi antenna is
    located near the drone. Moreover, the tool has been designed to easily adapt
    it to other types of antennas. Once the tool is calibrated, it delivers the
    maximum horizontal distance to which the UAV can be approached so as not
    to enter into the critical zone. Several solutions are also suggested which, in
    case of implementation, can mitigate the effects of electromagnetic

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