CBL - Campus del Baix Llobregat

Projecte llegit

Títol: Estudi del consum energètic de LoRaWAN

Estudiants que han llegit aquest projecte:


Departament: ENTEL

Títol: Estudi del consum energètic de LoRaWAN

Data inici oferta: 27-01-2017     Data finalització oferta: 27-09-2017

Estudis d'assignació del projecte:
Tipus: Individual
Lloc de realització: EETAC
Segon director/a (UPC): VIDAL FERRÉ, RAFAEL
Paraules clau:
LoRaWAN, IoT, Energy Consumption
Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
La Internet of Things (IoT) està formada per nombrosos
dispositius, en molts casos de prestacions limitades, que
utilitzen diverses tecnologies de xarxa a nivell físic i
d'enllaç. En aquest àmbit, les anomenades Low Power Wide Area
Networks (LPWANs) estan emergent, i centrant l'interès de
la indústria, l'acadèmia i organismes d'estandarització. Les
LPWAN es caracteritzen per oferir connectivitat sense fils a
grans distàncies (superiors a un quilòmetre), tot sovint
emprant topologies en estrella, que redueixen la quantitat
d'infraestructura de xarxa necessària per oferir connectivitat
als dispositius. Alhora, les LPWAN presenten limitacions
significatives quant a ample de banda, taxa de missatges i
mida de les trames.

LoRaWAN és una de les tecnologies LPWAN paradigmàtiques. Les
seves característiques fan que tingui aplicació en escenaris
rellevants com les anomenades smart cities. Ara bé, és
necessari conèixer les prestacions d'aquesta tecnologia, a fi
de permetre que el seu desplegament i configuració es realitzi
amb èxit. En aquest projecte, es proposa un estudi detallat
sobre el consum energètic de LoRa/LoRaWAN, considerant eines
analítiques i també experimentals.
Overview (resum en anglès):
The Internet of Things (IoT) has appeared and has become a hot topic in our society in the recent years and is growing a lot and quickly. The IoT is based on a group of connected objects, using embedded electronic, software, sensors and communication protocols able to collect and exchange information with different types of applications through networks connected to the internet.

Within the different communications technologies that exists for the IoT, the LPWAN has emerged where the technologies that have triumphed and have been deployed successfully are the ones based on the LoRa/LoRaWAN protocol. The main feature and the reason why this technology has all the attention is that achieves long range transmissions in exchange of a very low energy consumption. To reach these aims, all the sensors on the network have to be well configured.

Unfortunately, not all devices are powered by the electricity grid so external batteries are needed to feed all these devices to continue working.

The main objective of this project is to modulate the energy consumption of this technology using commercially sensors and laboratory tools as power analysers to achieve these aims in a realistic environment. A study will be generated based on the possibilities that offer these models and which is the associated energy consumption for the many configurable parameters that LoRa/LoRaWAN offers. Therefore, an analytical model will be generated based on the obtained results in terms of battery lifetime, energy cost of data delivery and energy consumption of the LoRa/LoRaWAN protocol.

In this document, all the necessary elements to deploy a fully LoRaWAN network will be shown as well as the correct configuration to demonstrate how these parameters affects the energy consumption of an end-device.

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