Projecte llegit
Títol: Diseño y configuración de red para una empresa
Departament: ENTEL
Títol: Diseño y configuración de red para una empresa
Data inici oferta: 01-02-2017 Data finalització oferta: 01-10-2017
Estudis d'assignació del projecte:
Tipus: Individual | |
Lloc de realització: Fora UPC | |
Supervisor/a extern: Angel Nuño Gonzalez | |
Institució/Empresa: QNV, S.L. | |
Titulació del Director/a: Enginyer Superior de Telecomunicació | |
Paraules clau: | |
Firewall, Computer network, VLAN, Switch Layer 3 | |
Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats: | |
Se requiere hacer el diseño e instalación de red para una empresa que consta de alrededor de 10 puestos de oficina y 10 puestos de laboratorio, se utilizarán servicios tales como telefonia IP, cámaras de video vigilancia, control de acceso de trabajadores por huella dactilar, implementación de firewall para seguridad y control de tráfico, conectividad con diferentes delegaciones, separación de tráfico wlan, servidores de software de gestión empresarial (Eurowin). Además, habrá que plantear soluciones al problema de separación de tráfico entre los diferentes puestos de trabajo mediante VLANs y PVLANS. | |
Overview (resum en anglès): | |
Nowadays the use of information and communications technologies are essential in the business environment. This implies the need of a network design and also installation and configuration of equipments for every company.
This Final Grade Work is done in coordination with the company QNV Solutions (, located in Sant Joan Despí, through an extra-curricular arrangement. It requires the design, configuration and installation of network in a new headquarters of the company QNV Solutions. VLANs with different address ranges will be used for each department and traffic will be filtered between VLANs. We will set up a firewall to filter worker traffic and add security. On the other hand is necessary to access to different devices from the outside and to the internal network from the delegations. This will be done through port forwarding in the router and the firewall. A server will also be configured where fingerprint access control will be managed for employees, IP video surveillance cameras that record movement detection and ambient music. A C program will be created to automate the turn on and shutdown of camera management software as well as a server activity log. The network will also have a WLAN with two different SSIDs, one for the customers and another one for the workers who will do MAC filtering. Finally a NAS with RAID1 will be used to store the files of the company. |