Projecte llegit
Títol: Disseny d'un dron marítim
Estudiants que han llegit aquest projecte:
- CAMPOY SÁNCHEZ, DAVID (data lectura: 09-02-2018)
- Cerca aquest projecte a Bibliotècnica
Departament: DAC
Títol: Disseny d'un dron marítim
Data inici oferta: 26-06-2017 Data finalització oferta: 26-02-2018
Estudis d'assignació del projecte:
Tipus: Individual | |
Lloc de realització: EETAC | |
Paraules clau: | |
vehicles autónoms no tripulats, sensors, NMEA, signalk, pilotfish | |
Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats: | |
L'objectiu del projecte és el disseny d'un dron marítim autónom no tripulat que permeti controlar la profunditat del fons marí.
Es programarà una aplicació que permeti controlar al dron de manera que puguem enviar-la comandes de control i rebre les dades del sensor en temps real. |
Overview (resum en anglès): | |
In this project, a maritime drone has been designed, starting from a radio control racing boat, whose objective is the depth control by means of a depth sensor with geolocalized data. This project is part of a larger project called PilotFish, an application that allows real-time or post-processed communication of the state of ships between ships or between land stations. Therefore, part of the software, client and server of this application was designed by another designer. This project will consist of two large blocks:
First, we will see the architecture of the ship, explaining all the components that form it and we will study which type of depth sensor is the most suitable within the range of possibilities that we have in the market. Then the physical structure of the ship will be designed, which will aim to provide greater stability to the waves and increase the physical space to include sensors to the drone. To fulfill these requirements, we will think of a design similar to that of a catamaran. The materials used for the implementation of this will also be discussed. On the other hand, we will have the software part. The objective of this part is to communicate the different sensors that will be used with the server in order to process them and send them to the client. We will also see the different standards and protocols that will be used to meet the requirements of the PilotFish project. Besides, we will introduce a program that we will use to establish the autonomous routes that the boat will make, and a simulator that will help us when programming communication with one of the sensors. Finally, we will see the final results of different missions that have been carried out, it will be reasoned if the objectives of the work have been met and proposals will be added to be able to further improve the project. |