Projecte llegit
Títol: Plataforma de gamificació docent amb smartphones
Departament: DAC
Títol: Plataforma de gamificació docent amb smartphones
Data inici oferta: 29-06-2017 Data finalització oferta: 28-02-2018
Estudis d'assignació del projecte:
Tipus: Individual | |
Lloc de realització: EETAC | |
Paraules clau: | |
Plataforma de gamificació docent amb smartphones | |
Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats: | |
Overview (resum en anglès): | |
The educational gamification tool described in the present document has been accomplished as a result of wanting incorporate new functionalities to already existing software. This is based on creating questions for students to motivate them to study. The questions are either multiple choice with autocorrection or open answer with images. A timer has been implemented in every question to challenge the student.
The architecture of the tool is designed to be used as a Mobile Phone Application compatible with both Android and iOs and from a Administrative Web Panel accessible via any operating system. The communication between the two platforms is integrated by a Service Oriented Architecture that contains an Application Programming Interface (API). The project organization for this work was done with Gannt Project where each task was planned and finished until completion. During the development, corresponding validation tests are executed and once finished, these are stored on GitHut where they can been verified and programming errors are detected. The Mobile Application is a motivational tool for study that students will use. The development of the platforms Android and iOS was with a hibrid application based on web technology and a platform that permits the conversion to different systems. The design of this architecture follows the MVC model and is constituted based on being a multilingual platform. The Administrative Panel is a web platform so that teachers can create, eliminate and view the tests, answers and students' results. The design of this tool is a transformation of the native platform that offers a modern user interface that is fast, consistent and compatible with different languages. The Service Oriented Architecture that has been developed in this project is responsible for managing all the interactions between the users of the Mobile Application and the Panel Administration with the Back-End. The data management is accomplished with an API that contains the Models (JavaScript objects) and Relations (that permit relating the models to one another) that generate the Service Architecture. |