Projecte llegit
Títol: Systems Engineering for the 3Cat-4 CubeSat mission
Departament: FIS
Títol: Systems Engineering for the 3Cat-4 CubeSat mission
Data inici oferta: 27-09-2017 Data finalització oferta: 27-04-2018
Estudis d'assignació del projecte:
Tipus: Individual | |
Lloc de realització: |
Nom del segon director/a (UPC): Adriano José Camps | |
Departament 2n director/a: | |
Paraules clau: | |
nanosatellites, systems engineering | |
Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats: | |
The vision of the NanoSat Lab of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC-BarcelonaTech) is the exploration and development of innovative applications and remote sensing techniques based on nanosatellite platforms. From the experience gained our previous missions 3Cat-1 and 3Cat-2 missions, now the NanoSat Lab is now continuing its labour with the 3Cat-4 mission.
The 3Cat-4, is the third CubeSat mission developed at the UPCs NanoSat Lab and its objective is to demonstrate the capabilities of nano-satellites, and in particular, those based in the 1U CubeSat standard, for challenging Earth Observation using GNSS-R and L-Band microwave radiometry, as well as for ship tracking. Moreover, this mission has been selected by the European Space Agency (ESA) as part of the Fly Your Satellite (FYS) 2017 programme and it is now under the supervision and guardianship of ESA. This masters thesis covers the work done in system engineering and in system integration since the mission was first conceived and proposed to ESA in February 2017 until the Critical Design Review is approved in December 2017 including the following tasks: Define and write the requirements at mission, system and subsystem levels Manage, plan and document the Assembly, Integration and Verification (AIV) phase of the mission. The AIV comprises all the production of the different subsystems and their validation to be qualified for flight; the assembly of the spacecraft; and the validation of the spacecraft through the Ambient Test Campaigns, the Environmental Test Campaigns, and the End-to-End Test Campaigns The design of the spacecraft internal distribution and the design of the mechanical integration of the spacecraft components. The design of the spacecraft electrical integration and the interconnection of all subsystems though the different interfaces |
Overview (resum en anglès): | |
The vision of the NanoSat Lab of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC BarcelonaTech) is the exploration and development of innovative applications and remote sensing techniques based on standard nano-satellite platforms (e.g. CubeSats). At the same time, we aim at developing our own platforms, while complying with the CubeSat standard. From the experience gained in our previous mission (3Cat-2, launched in August 2016), the NanoSat Lab is now continuing its labour with the 3Cat-4; whose mission is to demonstrate the capabilities of nano-satellites, and in particular those based on the 1U CubeSat, for challenging Earth observation using GNSS-R and L-Band microwave radiometry.
Moreover, this mission has been selected by the European Space Agency (ESA) as part of the Fly Your Satellite! (FYS) 2017 programme and it is now under the supervision and guidance of ESA. |