CBL - Campus del Baix Llobregat

Projecte llegit

Títol: Desarrollo del módulo ASXDEC del sistema SSDA (Surveillance Systems Data Analysis)

Estudiants que han llegit aquest projecte:


Departament: FIS

Títol: Desarrollo del módulo ASXDEC del sistema SSDA (Surveillance Systems Data Analysis)

Data inici oferta: 10-02-2021     Data finalització oferta: 10-10-2021

Estudis d'assignació del projecte:
Tipus: Individual
Lloc de realització: EETAC
Nom del segon director/a (UPC): Rafael Salavera
Departament 2n director/a:
Paraules clau:
Surveillance, Asterix, Ssda, radar, XML
Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
El objetivo de poder decodificar y guardar los datos es crear y
tener un repositorio global de datos de sistemas de vigilancia
que puede usarse como input para otras aplicaciones de índole
diversa a demanda: análisis de formato, análisis de
indicadores, representación gráfica de trayectorias radar,
exportación de trayectorias a formatos externos (ej: .kml),

Se compone de 3 partes funcionales diferenciadas:

1.ioss_input: este submódulo es el encargado de seleccionar el
origen (input) de los datos a tratar.

2.ASXDECcore: Decodificar las grabaciones de datos ASTERIX
disponibles en la entrada.

· Cat10 Monosensor Surface Movement Data
· Cat20 Multilateration Target Reports
· Cat19 Multilateration System Status Message
· Cat21 ADS-B reports
· Cat48 Monoradar Target Reports
· Cat34 Transmission of Monoradar Service Messages

3. Ioss_output: generar la salida decodificada
correspondiente al medio y/o medios seleccionados.

· Tablas definidas de Base de Datos.
· Ficheros .csv, .txt, .kml...

Los 3 submódulos del ASXDEC operarán en base a parámetros de
configuración que se establezcan en fichero o ficheros .xml, y
que regirán las funcionalidades solicitadas, y que podrán ser
editados a través de la interfaz gráfica de usuario del módulo

El desarrollo del TFG ASXDEC compone las siguientes tareas:

· Desarrollo software de los 3 submódulos del ASXDEC.

· Diseño de interfaz gráfica de usuario (GUI) para
edición de los parámetros de configuración del módulo.
Overview (resum en anglès):
This project takes part in a bigger European initiative called SSDA (Surveillance Sensor Data Analysis) the aim of which is the analysis of data from surveillance sensor. When we talk about surveillance in this context, we mean the detection of aircrafts (or targets) in order to obtain their position, as well as other important information (speed, identification¿) that will allow us to have a real-time monitoring of the en-route and airports aircraft traffic. The surveillance data from these sensors is encoded following the information-exchange protocol known as ASTERIX, which was first time implemented by EUROCONTROL at 1997. As any other system, a sensor is required to have periodic inspections to check that they are working properly and their performances are nominal, within the specifications that the manufacturer has given and the current regulation establishes. SSDA program was born as a response to the requirements established by EU1207/1 regulation, due to the burgeoning need of continuously evaluating different quality indicators of these systems, as well as performing any other types of analysis for multiple applications: indicators analysis, format analysis, graphical representation of radar trajectories¿ Introduced the framework of SSDA program, the particular aim of this project is to develop the ASXDEC application module that will decode the input surveillance data and then store it in a selected output format (data base table, CSV¿). ASXDEC is the first module that will provide the global repository of this data needed by the subsequent modules (other apps) that will fulfil the requirements explained before. Although, it currently exists other software for decoding surveillance data, the key points of this module are its modular design, flexibility and scalability to future ASTERIX categories (types of sensors) and/or required output format, as part of the requirements established with ENAIRE. This has been mainly achieved by the innovative introduction of XML files that can be edited (configuration) by the user and reduce the need of extra coding. Likewise, the module allows to filter the data of interest depending on different parameters and/or set the different format outputs, by the use of a configuration file.

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