CBL - Campus del Baix Llobregat

Projecte llegit

Títol: PadelPMT 2.0. Aplicación para la gestión de la Liga PMT de la UPC

Estudiants que han llegit aquest projecte:


Departament: ENTEL

Títol: PadelPMT 2.0. Aplicación para la gestión de la Liga PMT de la UPC

Data inici oferta: 21-04-2022     Data finalització oferta: 21-12-2022

Estudis d'assignació del projecte:
Tipus: Individual
Lloc de realització: EETAC
Paraules clau:
Padel App Flutter nodejs mongodb migración
Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
Fa 11 anys que s'organitza una lliga de pàdel que es juga als
migdies al campus del baix llobregat. Fins ara, s'ha anat
de manera força manual i amb l'ajuda d'una petita aplicació. Es
demana millorar l'aplicació per simplificar la gestió dels
organitzadors que ho fan de manera voluntària.

Les característiques de la lliga són:

lliga pàdel PMT (migdies)

- per nivells
- individual
- 4 rondes
- 3 partits per ronda
- 4 setmanes per ronda
- Febrer a Juny
- Es juga a padelarium Gava

Qui pot jugar:

Noies: OK
Nois: OK
Jubilats: OK
Estudiants: OK
Nivell iniciació: OK
nivell intermig baix: OK
disponibilitat per jugar als migdies (13h-15h) dos o tres dies:
No tens parella de pàdel: OK (és una lliga individual)
contacte: servei d'esports


Pots ajudar-nos a millorar l'aplicació i/o a jugar a la lliga el
proper any.
Overview (resum en anglès):
The UPC PMT Paddle League is a paddle league that has been held for 12 years now at the Parc Mediterrani de la Tecnologia (PMT) campus. The participation of members of the different schools, EEABB and EETAC, and the various research centres and companies of the campus (CTTC, HEMAV) has been increasing and, given the increase in complexity that this meant to manage everything manually, in 2017 it was proposed the creation of an application for the management of the league.

Since then, the application has been in use, and in it, the players could visualise the information of the various rounds that were taking place, the position in the ranking of the players, as well as the introduction of the results of each match.

However, over the years, it has become clear that the application itself needed to evolve. Therefore, the aim of this final year project is to be able to offer an improved application for the management of the padel league, with special emphasis on the administration of the league, which up to now has been carried out manually.

To this end, the current application has been analysed in order to detect errors and possible needs that are not yet covered. With the results obtained, a new design has been proposed, with new functionalities, on which the new application has been based.

As a result of this work, the new application, in addition to offering a renewed, more user-friendly interface and having changed its technological profile, offers different user profiles (administrator or player role) and new functionalities such as the possibility of editing the personal data of a user or, on the part of the administrator, visualising the groups drawn by lot for each round, among others.

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