CBL - Campus del Baix Llobregat

Projecte llegit

Títol: Desenvolupament d'una aplicació educativa per al disseny de turbines des del punt de vista Termodinàmic

Estudiants que han llegit aquest projecte:


Departament: FIS

Títol: Desenvolupament d'una aplicació educativa per al disseny de turbines des del punt de vista Termodinàmic

Data inici oferta: 16-05-2022     Data finalització oferta: 16-01-2023

Estudis d'assignació del projecte:
Tipus: Individual
Lloc de realització: EETAC
Segon director/a (UPC): BERTRAN CÀNOVAS, ÒSCAR
Paraules clau:
termodinàmica, aplicacions, programació, eines educatives, turbines
Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:

Es proposa un projecte de programació per a desenvolupar una
aplicació interactiva que permeti il·lustrar els processos
termodinàmics que es donen lloc en una turbina d'avió. L'aplicació
també haurà de permetre a l'usuari final el disseny d'una turbina,
fixant les condicions de treball i altres paràmetres, segons
requeriments del disseny.

Overview (resum en anglès):
This final degree project is a programming project whose objective is to create a website to develop an interactive application that illustrates the thermodynamic processes and cycles that occur in an airplane turbine. The application also has a couple of turbojet and turbofan exercises, where the user must set working conditions and other parameters, according to design requirements, in the future this part will be expanded. Within the website there is also a part of thermodynamics theory and ideal gas exercises. The purpose of the website is to help students and teachers better understand thermodynamics and facilitate the time of doing exercises and theory. The report initially explained what programming language I used and why, there was also a comparison between the Matlab language and Python, since they were the two languages I could use, finally I decided that the best option was to use Python. Once explained the programming language explains how I started programming the exercises of cycles and thermodynamic processes that I wanted to include on the website using PyCharm, to do this initially I had to decide how I wanted to do the exercises and what information I wanted the user to give me, at this point it also explains how I created the graphics. The next point talks about the tools needed to carry out the website, it explains what the Visual Studio Code is and how it works, this program is the one I used to carry out the website, it also explains the extensions I used and the HTML. And to finish chapter 1 explains the internal structure of the website, the website consists of a file called app.py that is responsible for connecting the different files and then a folder of templates consisting of six more folders where the HTML files for each language are. The next chapter explains the result of the website, the first point of chapter two explains its design and operation, that is, the different sections it has and how to move from one place to another, it also explains how the exercises work. And the next and last point of chapter 2, explains how to publish the website, initially I just wanted to share the website with my tutors, so, to do this I used a program called Ngrok, and then I used a hosting to be able to publish the website and make it accessible to any user. Finally, there are the conclusions. To finish this summary, it must be said that I have achieved the objective of the project that was to create a website of educational thermodynamics.

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