CBL - Campus del Baix Llobregat

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Títol: Estudi i comparativa d'integradors per a cossos orbitant la Terra

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Departament: MAT

Títol: Estudi i comparativa d'integradors per a cossos orbitant la Terra

Data inici oferta: 07-07-2022     Data finalització oferta: 07-03-2023

Estudis d'assignació del projecte:
Tipus: Individual
Lloc de realització:
    Departament: Matemàtiques
Paraules clau:
integradors orbitals, orbites al voltant de la Terra, pertorbacions
Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
El treball consisteix en la cerca i implementacio de camps vetorials i propagadors per

a cossos orbitant al voltant de la Terra, preferentment dels que aporten llibreries o

especificacions en codi obert.

A partir d'una anàlisi teòrica de les pertorbacions que influeixen en el moviment

orbital, caldrà analitzar quines propietats i capacitats inclouen cada un d'ells. Així

mateix s'haura de fer una comparativa de resultats, en termes de precissió de

propagació, per a diferents tipus d'orbites i integradors. Finalment, caldrà preparar

unes llibreries en C, Python i/o Matlab per al seu ús amigable en prossibles aplicacions

Overview (resum en anglès):
This Bachelor's thesis aims to study the behavior and performance of different open-source propagators for satellites orbiting the Earth. Analytical, numerical, and semi-analytical techniques have been used to solve the equations of motion governing the orbital dynamics of satellites.

The thesis begins by establishing the theoretical framework of propagators, which encloses various aspects such as gravitational and non gravitational perturbations, coordinate systems, and time representations. A detailed investigation of the available open-source propagators is then undertaken preparing proper functions in Python and Matlab to use them. Subsequently, using the DSST propagator, each perturbation is individually evaluated to gain a comprehensive understanding of their specific effects on the satellite orbit, next to identifying the dominant perturbation. Furthermore, a comparison between propagators was conducted to evaluate their performance. The objective was to identify the propagator that not only closely matches the reference values obtained from GMAT but also demonstrates efficient CPU utilization analyzing different satellites orbiting in various altitude regimes.

All the programming code created and used to execute the propagators has been grouped and organized making it available alongside the thesis. A README file is also attach to these resources, providing detailed explanations of their implementations, variables, and capabilities. Practical examples are also included to illustrate the usage of each propagator, facilitating a clear understanding of their functionalities and potential applications. This package is designed to enhance the user experience and simplify the integration of these tools into future projects.

In conclusion, this Bachelor's thesis examines and compares open-source propagators for Earth-orbiting satellites. The research evaluates perturbations, their effects, and compares the available propagators. The findings provide insights into performance and suitability for accurate orbital dynamics modeling, alongside organized libraries in Python and Matlab.

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