CBL - Campus del Baix Llobregat

Projecte llegit

Títol: Desarrollo de un chatbot cognitivo capaz de dar respuesta a diferentes incidentes de ciberseguridad

Estudiants que han llegit aquest projecte:


Departament: ENTEL

Títol: Desarrollo de un chatbot cognitivo capaz de dar respuesta a diferentes incidentes de ciberseguridad

Data inici oferta: 14-09-2022     Data finalització oferta: 14-04-2023

Estudis d'assignació del projecte:
Tipus: Individual
Lloc de realització: Fora UPC    
        Supervisor/a extern: Jordi Bertran Valls
        Institució/Empresa: Ernst & Young
        Titulació del Director/a: Enginyer Superior de Telecomunicacions
Paraules clau:
Ciberseguridad, Chatbot, Inteligencia artificial
Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
Desarrollo de una herramienta tipo chat bot capaz de dar
respuestas a incidentes de ciberseguridad dentro del entorno de
una empresa y de dar soporte a los equipos de ciberseguridad de
las mismas.
Dicho chat bot estará dotado tanto de una serie de respuestas
automáticas con las que será capaz de informar del procedimiento a
seguir ante incidentes como ransomware, data loss, etc.
Asimismo será capaz de aprender los roles de las diferentes
personas que trabajan en el entorno e informar a los equipos de
ciberseguridad de ser necesario.
Overview (resum en anglès):
This work aims to present the design and development of an artificial intelligence in the form of a chatbot that can provide support to a company's cybersecurity team and carry out threat management tasks. To achieve this objective, an exhaustive study of the different artificial intelligence tools that work with the interpretation of natural language was carried out, evaluating in detail each of the functionalities they offer.
After a rigorous evaluation, a specific tool was selected and trained so that it could understand human language and perform cybersecurity tasks once it has understood what the user needs. In addition to performing threat management tasks, the chatbot also provides information on cybersecurity incident prevention and resolution, making it a valuable resource for non-technical users to resolve and prevent security incidents on their devices.
The development of the chatbot was done in a test environment that simulated the possible environment of a company's cybersecurity teams. This made it possible to evaluate the performance of the chatbot and correct possible problems before taking it to production. In addition, how to bring the chatbot to production in commercial environments was studied, considering technical and implementation aspects.
The results of the project are highly satisfactory, since the chatbot has been able to correctly interpret and perform the interactions that were proposed at the beginning of the project. In addition, the information provided by the chatbot on prevention and resolution of cybersecurity incidents has proven valuable for cybersecurity teams. In general, it can be concluded that the chatbot designed in this project has great potential to improve the cybersecurity of companies and provide support to cybersecurity teams.

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