CBL - Campus del Baix Llobregat

Projecte llegit

Títol: Revisió de la regulació, normes i assaigs d'EMC per a vehicles aeris no tripulats

Estudiants que han llegit aquest projecte:


Departament: EEL

Títol: Revisió de la regulació, normes i assaigs d'EMC per a vehicles aeris no tripulats

Data inici oferta: 05-10-2022     Data finalització oferta: 05-05-2023

Estudis d'assignació del projecte:
Tipus: Individual
Lloc de realització: EETAC
Paraules clau:
EMC, EMI, aeroespacial, UAV.
Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
Los actuales ensayos de EMC aplicables a aeronaves y equipos
aeroespaciales siguen un planteamiento que no es adecuado para
reproducir la complejidad electromagnética en la que estos equipos
han de funcionar.
En este TFG se propone hacer caracterizar el entorno
electromagnético en el trabajan estos equipos y plantear mejoras en
los ensayos de laboratorio que han de evaluar su inmunidad a
Overview (resum en anglès):
The aim of this project is to study the possibility or necessity of creating specific product standards for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) to make them more reliable in complex electromagnetic environments, such as those found in large
urban areas, and to assess whether the current directives and regulations applied to them are sufficient.

This project tries to justify the need for specific regulations for UAVs regarding electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and present the current and future motivation behind this approach.

The components of a UAV will be analysed, and those most susceptible to EMC will be studied, as they are the ones that can be affected by the electromagnetic environment in operational scenarios. At this point, the question will be raised as to whether the current regulations applied to UAVs are sufficient to prevent electromagnetic interference, and a comparisón will be made with the regulations currently applied to aircraft and electrical/electronic devices.

At this stage, tests will be proposed for the possible creation of new specific regulations for UAV, based on modifications of existing tests but adapted to the
requirements of this type of aircraft. Additionally, new tests that are currently not applied to these aircraft but would enhance their reliability will be proposed.

Finally, with all the knowledge gained, the best course of action will be discussed to ensure that complex
electromagnetic environments do not pose a problem for the reliability of UAV in the future. This will allow for the unification of regulations applied to UAVs and improve their reliability before their future integration into large urban areas.

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