CBL - Campus del Baix Llobregat

Projecte llegit

Títol: Estudi de seguretat operacional per habilitar l'aeròdrom de Sant Fruitós de Bages com escola de vol


Departament: FIS

Títol: Estudi de seguretat operacional per habilitar l'aeròdrom de Sant Fruitós de Bages com escola de vol

Data inici oferta: 04-07-2017     Data finalització oferta: 04-03-2018

Estudis d'assignació del projecte:
    Tipus: Individual
    Lloc de realització: EETAC
    Paraules clau:
    Aeroport, Aeròdrom, Seguretat Operacional, OACI, EASA, AESA
    Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
    Dur a terme un estudi de seguretat operacional i requeriments per habilitar
    l'aeròdrom de St. Fruitós de Bages com a escola de vol i dissenyar les accions
    correctores addients per habilitar-ho
    Overview (resum en anglès):
    This document contains as a Final Grade Project the study of the operational security rules at the Barcelona-Bages (LEMS) airdrome for a flight school and for other aerial works.

    The project is developed in 5 chapters, where altogether describe the reason of the project, the currently airdrome state, the needed requirements to comply with the Operational Security rules, the projections needed to perform in order to comply with the rules, and a study of the costs of the actuations.

    The project starts with the will of the airdrome owner to start a Flight School during the next years, so a project was needed to evaluate if the equipment follows the Operational Security rules of the National and European Authorities.

    The study is based at the airdrome air zone, where after detailing the dimensions, the currently installed equipment and signals, some operational security discrepancies were found that must be projected and solved.

    The planned actuations are the relocation of the wind markers, the correct signing of the non-paved runway, the runway side strip marking, and the fire extinguishers acquisition.

    Otherwise, as a project to asphalt the runway, the taxiway and the apron that already exists, the projection of the marking of these paved surfaces has been also included in this document.

    All the projections that are quoted and planned will be available for the owner, so he can decide whether to perform part of the actuations for the non-paved airdrome or otherwise, to perform the full actuations on the airdrome surface to pave them and comply with the Operational Security rules.

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