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Títol: Kinematic and static GNSS experiments with gLAB and RTKLIB using Argonaut and Ublox mass market receivers
Departament: MAT
Títol: Kinematic and static GNSS experiments with gLAB and RTKLIB using Argonaut and Ublox mass market receivers
Data inici oferta: 06-07-2017 Data finalització oferta: 06-03-2018
Estudis d'assignació del projecte:
Tipus: Individual | |
Lloc de realització: EETAC | |
Segon director/a (UPC): ROVIRA GARCIA, ADRIÀ | |
Paraules clau: | |
Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats: | |
In the context of the gLAB upgrade funded by the European
Space Agency (ESA), the research group of astronomy Geomatics (gAGE/UPC) has implemented new algorithms for processing the signal of the European Augmentation System for Civil Aviation (EGNOS) and also for the DGNSS data from RTCM messages. In this project it is proposed to perform the operational validation of algorithms implemented in gLAB from adevoted processing and analysis of a series of experiments based on EGNOS, RTCM real data Work plan: 1.- Reading the documentation and get familiar with the data collection with single and double frequency GNSS receivers. 2.- Reading the documentation related to the gLAB tool suit, gNAV and RTK lib and familiarization with these software packages for GNSS data processing. 3.- Definition of a Test Plan for the validation of the Processing functions in static and kinematic modes. Preparation of the Test Plan Document. 4.- Realization of experiments for the data collection and executing the Test Plan. 5.- Data processing and compilation of results. 6.- Analysis of the possible divergences between the three Software packages 7.- Revision of the source code of gLAB and identification and fixing possible anomalies detected. 8.- Preparation of the final report with the results. |
Overview (resum en anglès): | |
The Global Navigation Satelite System, GNSS is a constellation of satellites orbiting around the Earth and transmitting signals that contain ranging codes and navigation data, allowing the user to compute its position and providing a continuous 3D location and timing.
With the prediction of over 1.2 billion devices that will use GNSS and a revenue of 54.9 billion Euros just in Europe in 2025, it has become a keystone for Europe and Worlds development in fields so important such as transportation, research, meteorology, agriculture and search and rescue among others. For those reasons is so important to keep improving GNSS techniques such as kinematic and static data processing and develop robust and powerful software. On this master thesis, it has been analysed the navigation results with two of the most advanced GNSS data processing tools that there are available nowadays, the GNSS-Lab tool suite, gLAB developed by the group of Astronomy and GEomatics gAGE in collaboration with the European Space Agency, ESA, and the Real Time Kinematics LIBrary, RTKLIB, developed by the Tokyo University of marine science and technology, with data captured with two mass market GNSS receivers, the Argonaut and the Ublox EVK 7. In the first chapter, it has been explained some guidelines to understand the GNSS and explain what it is and how it works with some examples and then, the mathematical explanation of each kind of GNSS signal used in this master thesis. In the second chapter, it has been analyzed the two main programs used for processing and analyzing GNSS data captured in the experiment, the gLAB, and the RTKLIB. On the third part, it has been explained how the data was captured in the different environments that the data had to face, and also, how the antennas were placed to do the experiment in kinematic and static data acquisition. On the fourth section, it can be seen the methodology used by the author of this master thesis to be able to process and get the results, if the reader deserves to reproduce them, are explained on the fourth part. In the fifth chapter, it can be seen the results, first, it is going to be explained which were the main problems that faced the author when performing the data capture whether static or kinematic and then the navigation results on gLAB data tool and the navigations solutions of the RTKLIB data tool. In the last chapter, it can be seen the conclusions that draw the author of the master thesis after evaluating the results and some future work that could be done. |