Projecte llegit
Títol: Sistema de vigilancia global para gestión del tráfico aéreo de Drones
Director/a: ROYO CHIC, PABLO
Departament: DAC
Títol: Sistema de vigilancia global para gestión del tráfico aéreo de Drones
Data inici oferta: 07-07-2017 Data finalització oferta: 07-03-2018
Estudis d'assignació del projecte:
Tipus: Individual | |
Lloc de realització: EETAC | |
Segon director/a (UPC): CUADRADO SANTOLARIA, RAÚL | |
Paraules clau: | |
Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats: | |
El proyecto consiste en el diseño y la implementación de un
sistema software para monitorizar Drones de una zona concreta. 1.- Estudio de tecnologías existentes para lo monitorizacion de Drones, por ejemplo ADSB 2.- Monitorización de Drones en un mapa utilizando World Wind. Se desarrollará una estación de tierra capaz de monitorizar todo el trafico aeros que tenga equipado un ADSB 3.- Interacción y con el Dron desde la estación desarrollada. |
Overview (resum en anglès): | |
This document will explain the structure and implementation of a distribution system of aerial vehicle data via 4G called Globaldrone. The aim of the system is to coordinate and supervise different missions being performed by different drone fleets that might be independent from each other. Ultimately, the aim is to give a simple and efficient way of sharing aerial traffic data. The document structure will be as follows: In the first place, the detailed objectives will be listed together with a more in-depth presentation. The first chapter will detail the overall architecture of the system. Itll also define the different subsystems that operate with it and the information fluxes that itll contain. To accomplish the objectives of the system several technologies have been used. The more relevant characteristics of each one, together with their implementation into the system will be explained in the second chapter. The result of the integration of such technologies, and the implementation of the processing needed for the subsystems to interact with Globaldrone will be encapsulated inside a library for its use. That library will be specified and detailed in the third chapter. To test the system, the library has been integrated into a software called RIMA. With its aid several programs that interact with the system and profit from it have been made. A chapter will explain both their architecture and specification, together with their usage. And lastly, a conclusion chapter will talk about future work and whether or not the initial objectives have been achieved. |