CBL - Campus del Baix Llobregat

Projecte llegit

Títol: Optimización del sistema de compostaje de residuos domésticos y del Mercado Municipal de la Vall d'Hebron (Barcelona) para la obtención de compost y su aplicación en un huerto urbano

Estudiant que ha llegit aquest projecte:


Departament: DEAB

Títol: Optimización del sistema de compostaje de residuos domésticos y del Mercado Municipal de la Vall d'Hebron (Barcelona) para la obtención de compost y su aplicación en un huerto urbano

Data inici oferta: 17-05-2023      Data finalització oferta: 17-01-2024

Estudis d'assignació del projecte:

Lloc de realització:

En empresa (cal signar un conveni de cooperació)

        Tutor/a Extern: Josep Maria Vallès Casanova
        Institució/Empresa: Tarpuna SCCL

Paraules clau:
Fertilització, horticultura, residus orgànics, compostatge, hort urbà

Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
L'hort del Mercat de la Vall d'Hebron és un hort en coberta de
1.750 m 2 que està format per 38cm de substrat en base a terra
volcànica, sauló i matèria orgànica. La gestió i la fertilització
de l'hort es basa en el compostatge dels residus orgànics del
mercat i dels hortolans. L'objectiu del treball és fer una
caracterització de l'estat del substrat, una caracterització i
seguiment del compost produït i realitzar proves i assajos de
fertilització orgànica i aconseguir unes recomanacions de maneig
de la fertilització.

- seguiment del procés de compostatge dels residus
- disseny de les pautes de fertilització
- presa de mostres de compost, de sòls i de teixit vegetal
- caracterització de mostres
- avaluació del procés i de la fertilització

Overview (resum en anglès): In the context of current concerns about the impact of human activities on the environment and initiatives aimed at mitigating them, decentralised management of organic waste through composting offers many possibilities for the environmental sustainability of our activities, social awareness and the recovery of nutrients for our soils. A project based on this practice is the urban garden "L'hort del Mercat" in Vall d'Hebron. The garden is managed by the Tarpuna Cooperative and consists of 1,700 m2 of land distributed into a cultivation area, classroom and composting space, where users can grow their vegetables under the precepts of organic farming. Vegetable waste from the market and the organic fraction are precomposted in electromechanical equipment and then mixed with the remains of the garden to be composted.
The purpose of this work is to improve the management of the composting process. To this end, 3 composting experiments were carried out based on different proportions of waste mixture and the mass balance between the initial and final mixture was studied to evaluate the evolution of organic matter and nitrogen. The treated waste, the mixture and the products were characterized for the following parameters: humidity, organic matter, organic nitrogen, ammoniacal nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, pH, and electrical conductivity, and in the case of the compost obtained, also the stability and impurities. Finally, an estimate of the nutritional needs of the garden was made to evaluate its self-sufficiency in nutrients, and the possible need for external fertilization.
The results showed a carbon/nitrogen ratio of less than 30 for the plant remains and the precompost, so another carbon source is needed to have an adequate mixture. Recirculated plant matter can fulfil this function although it was not sufficient in all cases. In addition, coinciding with a low initial carbon/nitrogen ratio, significant nitrogen losses were observed in 2 of the experiments.
In the compost produced, a quantity of impurities greater than 10% can be observed, which exceeds the limits of the current regulations for commercial compost. The compost is stable in all cases, has a quantity of organic matter lower than that indicated by the regulations and had a pH above 8 in two of the experiments, which could affect some crops to which it is applied. Regarding the nutrient content, the compost is insufficient in all experiments to cover the nutritional needs of the garden, according to the estimates made.
Significant variability was detected in the determinations, especially with regard to organic matter and nitrogen. It would be advisable to review in more detail the sampling method and the number of replicas required for the determinations.

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