CBL - Campus del Baix Llobregat

Projecte llegit

Títol: Preferencias de los consumidores hacia nuevos alimentos a base de legumbres

Estudiant que ha llegit aquest projecte:

Tutor/a o Cotutor/a: LÓPEZ MAS, LAURA

Departament: DEAB

Títol: Preferencias de los consumidores hacia nuevos alimentos a base de legumbres

Data inici oferta: 19-01-2024      Data finalització oferta: 19-03-2024

Estudis d'assignació del projecte:

Lloc de realització:

Segon tutor/a (UPC): KALLAS CALOT, ZEIN

Paraules clau:
Análisis sensorial, Cata, Expectativas, Informado, Experimentado

Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
Con el objetivo de impulsar el consumo de legumbres, la industria alimentaria está continuamente desarrollando prototipos de nuevos productos. Para asegurar el éxito de estos productos, es clave la aceptación por parte de los consumidores.

El presente TFG tendrá como objetivo evaluar la percepción sensorial de los consumidores sobre tres nuevas formulaciones de gnocchi elaborados a base de harina de guisante, garbanzo y lenteja roja. Más en detalle, se proporcionará información a los consumidores sobre las tres muestras de gnocchi a evaluar para crear expectativas sobre sus características sensoriales y, posteriormente, se pedirá a los participantes que degusten las muestras. El objetivo final será evaluar si las expectativas generadas han mejorado, se han mantenido o, por el contrario, han empeorado, para determinar así qué producto puede tener un mayor potencial para ser lanzado al mercado.

El estudiante deberá encargarse de la elaboración del cuestionario, el reclutamiento de los participantes, la preparación de las muestras, la organización de las catas, el análisis de datos y la redacción de la memoria del TFG.

Overview (resum en anglès): ABSTRACT
The present bachelor's thesis, titled "Consumer Preferences towards New Food
Legume-based Products," addresses the growing need to seek plant-based food
alternatives to the current consumption of products of animal origin. Scarcity of
resources, global warming caused by greenhouse gas emissions, and global
population growth are leading governments to seek more sustainable, plant-
based food solutions, such as legume production.
Legumes require fewer resources for their production, they are low in fat and
cholesterol, they are an essential source of carbohydrates and proteins, and their
consumption reduces the risks of suffering from cardiovascular diseases. All these
advantages, together with the emergence of new consumers who are aware of
the environment and their health, have caused the need to look for new sources
of sustainable proteins.
Therefore, the development of new products based on legumes can help boost
their consumption among the population and attract new consumers. In this
context, this thesis has used legume-based gnocchi (peas, red lentils and
chickpeas) as a case of study. The main objective has been to investigate
consumer preferences regarding these new products.
Through a questionnaire, data has been collected from a sample of 142
consumers. In the questionnaire, some questions were asked before and after
tasting the product, where different sociodemographic variables were analyzed,
in addition to the acceptance of various sensory characteristics (appearance,
color, smell, flavour and texture), the overall acceptance of the product and
consumers' willingness to pay (WTP).
Escola d'Enginyeria Agroalimentària i de Biosistemes de Barcelona
UPC - BarcelonaTech
The results indicated that the expectation regarding sensory attributes and global
acceptance were higher before tasting the product, but decreased when tasting
them in almost all the cases. In relation to WTP, it decreased for all samples after
tasting. However, this decrease was only significant for lentil gnocchi (-€0.19/kg
of product).
If the samples are compared to each other once the product has been tasted,
significant differences were found in certain appearance and colour attributes. In
the WTP comparison, consumers were willing to pay a higher amount for chickpea
gnocchi (€2.72/kg of product) compared to peas (€2.43/kg of product) and lentils
( €2.43/kg of product). Therefore, chickpea gnocchi was the one that showed the
greatest capacity to successfully enter to the Spanish market.
In order to find the ideal sociodemographic profile of consumers to adopt any of
the products, various sociodemographic variables were analyzed. Women
between 35 and 56 years old showed a greater willingness to adopt the product.
With the results obtained, it was possible to establish a market niche, although it
is recommended to reformulate the product in some sensory attributes as some
sensory characteristics can be improved, since the consumer expectations were
always above of the informed product assessment, which it is interpreted that the
product generated interest, although there is still room for improvement.

© CBLTIC Campus del Baix Llobregat - UPC