Regeneración de aguas residuales depuradas para uso en riego en un club deportivo
Data inici oferta:
Data finalització oferta:
Estudis d'assignació del projecte:
Lloc de realització: EEABB
Paraules clau:
Tratamiento terciario, Aguas residuales, Economía circular
Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
Un centro deportivo cuenta con una depuradora para el tratamiento de sus aguas residual. Con el fin de valorizar estos efluentes y avanzar hacia una economía circular, se buscar evaluar diferentes tecnologías para lograr la valorización de estas aguas residuales y utilizarlas como aguas de regadío de las pistas deportivas y de jardines de las instalaciones. A lo largo del TFG se compararán diferentes tecnologías para lograr la exitosa regeneración de las aguas depuradas. Para ello se realizará una caracterización fisicoquímica de las aguas residuales objetivo, mediante trabajo en el laboratorio. Se harán 2 o 3 campañas de muestreos para evaluar las fluctuaciones estacionales. Además, se valorarán tecnologías comerciales basadas en procesos como filtración, absorción y adsorción. Se realizará una comparación técnico-económica de las alternativas disponibles y se planteará una alternativa, que pueden incluir 1 o más tecnologías combinadas. En base a esta información se propondrá a la empresa la mejor alternativa para ser implementada. En paralelo, se pretender evaluar el actual desempeño de la depuradora, en base al seguimiento de analíticas de entradas y salidas. En base a ello se propondrán vías de mejora.
Overview (resum en anglès):
Droughts in Catalonia are a recurrent phenomenon, amplified by the effects of climate change. In this context, there is an urgent need to take measures to face the water challenges of the present and the future.
This is the case of a sports club in Catalonia, which seeks to implement solutions to mitigate the impact of water scarcity, while promoting at the same time more efficient management of this resource. This sports club has a wastewater treatment system; which consists of two settling tanks, followed by two Sequential Biological Reactors (SBR). The water, once treated, is discharged into the bed of a nearby river. The main idea is to be able to reuse this treated water to irrigate its gardens and sports courts, through the implementation of a water regeneration treatment.
To this end, different regeneration technologies, available on a commercial scale, were studied to choose which one could be implemented in the sports club, depending on the composition of the effluent from the treatment plant. For this reason, a physical-chemical characterisation of the water from the treatment plant is carried out at the DEAB (Departament d'Enginyeria Agroalimentària i Biotecnologia) facilities, and three wastewater treatment companies were contacted to obtain four offers with regeneration technologies. Based on these data and the elimination efficiencies of each technology according to the literature, a mass balance was drawn up for each of the offers collected. In this way, it was possible to estimate the quality of the reclaimed water with the technologies offered by each company.
Based on the results obtained, it was concluded that the most appropriate technology is the combination of a sand filter and ultrafiltration membranes, as the resulting effluent is of a high quality, does not exceed the limits imposed by the RD 1620/2007 and is economically viable.
In addition, this study also contemplated the analysis of the operation of the sports club's treatment plant, in order to propose ways of improvement in the treatment plant. To this end, the treatment yields were calculated from a physicochemical characterization of the wastewater treatment, effluent and effluent. Through the results obtained, it was possible to conclude that the treatment plant does not operate efficiently, since the treatment yields of the TSS, COD and turbidity were relatively low. Likewise, it was observed that the output values of the treatment plant exceed those established in the authorisation granted by the Agència Catalana de l'Aigua.
For this reason, it was decided to evaluate the operation of the sequential batch reactor (SBR) of the sports club. Using the F/M ratio, VCO, TRH, COD removal percentage, and the amount of TSS in the reactor. Due to the lack of numerical data, these operational parameters could not be calculated and, therefore, it was not possible to conclude how the reactor works. A more extensive study of the sports club's purification system is necessary to identify potential problems and take the necessary measures.