Aiguamoll construït per la depuració d'aigües residuals a un allotjament d'enoturisme
Data inici oferta:
Data finalització oferta:
Estudis d'assignació del projecte:
Lloc de realització: EEABB
Segon tutor/a (UPC):
Paraules clau:
Aiguamolls Construïts, aigües residuals domèstiques, aigües regenerades, depuració d'aigües residuals, solucions basades en la natura, enoturisme, turisme mediterrani, petit allotjament turístic
Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
Els aiguamolls construïts tenen eficàcia provada arreu del món en eliminar diferents contaminants d'aigües residuals, i és un sistema especialment adequat per petits nuclis habitats allunyats dels sistemes centralitzats de depuració, degut al seu baix cost de manteniment i que s'integren perfectament al paisatge, fins i tot millorant la biodiversitat de l'entorn. En aquest projecte es dimensiona i dissenya un aiguamoll construït a un petit establiment turístic ubicat a l'Alt Empordà, amb l'objectiu de poder reutilitzar les seves aigües residuals regenerades per regar unes oliveres a la mateixa finca.
Overview (resum en anglès):
In a context of global climate change, which in the Mediterranean basin translates into increasingly higher
temperatures and more severe drought episodes, it is common sense to make responsible use of the available
drinking water. For this reason, public administrations around the world promote water-saving and reuse
techniques. Among these techniques is the treatment of wastewater through constructed wetlands, a
technique that has proven its effectiveness and utility, especially in small populated areas far from centralized
treatment systems, due to its low construction and maintenance cost, and because it integrates perfectly into
the landscape, even improving the biodiversity of the environment.
This work provides a bibliographic analysis of different experiences of wastewater treatment with constructed
wetlands around the world, and in Catalonia, with the aim of proposing the most suitable type of constructed
wetland for the treatment of wastewater from an enotourism establishment located in Alt Empordà (Girona).
The physical, climatic, hydrological, and natural habitat characteristics of the location of this establishment are
also analyzed, with the aim of proposing plant species fully adapted to these characteristics.
Finally, a theoretical calculation exercise is carried out to determine the dimensions that this wetland should
have, based on the latest scientific publications on this treatment system.
In this way, a preliminary outline is offered of the characteristics that a constructed wetland adapted to specific
characteristics and requirements should have.
Keywords: Constructed wetland, domestic wastewater, reclaimed water, wastewater treatment, nature-based
solutions, enotourism, Mediterranean tourism, small tourist accommodation.