CBL - Campus del Baix Llobregat

Projecte llegit

Títol: Tendencias en los comportamientos de compra y de consumo de alimentos en Cataluña

Estudiant que ha llegit aquest projecte:

Tutor/a o Cotutor/a: RAHMANI, DJAMEL

Departament: DEAB

Títol: Tendencias en los comportamientos de compra y de consumo de alimentos en Cataluña

Data inici oferta: 06-02-2024      Data finalització oferta: 06-10-2025

Estudis d'assignació del projecte:

Lloc de realització:

Paraules clau:
Comportament del consumidor, tendències del consum, producte local i consum sostenible.

Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
La literatura reciente revela cambios en los comportamientos de compra y de consumo de alimentos como resultado de la pandemia COVID-19, la sequía y de los conflictos internacionales que son al origen de los continuos aumentos en los precios de los alimentos básicos. El presente estudio tiene cómo objetivo estudiar los cambios en los comportamientos de los consumidores catalanes. El estudio estudia los cambios que han sufrido los comportamientos de compra y de consumo en los últimos cinco años. En particular, el estudio analiza cómo han cambiado las preferencias de los consumidores respecto a los lugares de compra de alimentos, los gastos en alimentación, la importancia de los productos locales, de temporada, de proximidad y sostenibles, etc. Para alcanzar estos objetivos, se desarrolla un cuestionario y se distribuye online a una muestra (n = 2000) representativa de la población de Cataluña en términos de sexo, edad, zona geográfica, nivel de estudios y renta.

Overview (resum en anglès): Consumer behavior is a process influenced by multiple factors such as individual preferences,
cultural, social, and economic influences, as well as personal experiences. Consumers may
make purchasing decisions rationally, emotionally, or a combination thereof, with their choices
often motivated by basic needs or personal desires. During times of crisis, consumer behavior
undergoes substantial changes, adjusting purchasing and consumption habits to adapt to
adverse and uncertain circumstances.
The primary objective of this study is to analyze the evolution of food purchasing and
consumption behaviors in Catalonia over the past five years, particularly within the context of
the COVID-19 crisis, drought, and international conflicts.
A quantitative methodology was employed using a detailed questionnaire designed to provide
a comprehensive insight into changes in food purchasing and consumption habits. The
questionnaire was distributed to a sample of N = 2014 residents of Catalonia, selected to be
representative of the population in terms of age, gender, geographical area, educational level,
and economic situation, among other criteria. Although the questionnaire was conducted at
the end of November 2023, it contained retrospective questions that allowed participants to
provide information on how their habits and behaviors have changed over the past five years,
thus allowing an analysis of trends over this period.
The results demonstrate significant changes in Catalan consumers' food purchasing and
consumption habits over the last five years. Consumers have developed heightened awareness
regarding health and sustainability, showing a preference for fresh and nutritious foods while
reducing consumption of processed products. The uncertain economic situation has
encouraged more prudent spending practices, with particular attention to prices and
promotions, and a preference for homemade meals. Additionally, there is increasing support
for local products and greater efforts to minimize food waste.

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