Estudi de l'efecte de la data de sembra i tècniques agronòmiques sobre el rendiment de la varietat tradicional de l'all de Belltall
Data inici oferta:
Data finalització oferta:
Estudis d'assignació del projecte:
Lloc de realització: EEABB
Paraules clau:
All, Biodiversitat, selecció participativa, millora genètica, rendiment, mecanització del cultiu
Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
Catalunya destaca per la seva rica biodiversitat cultivada, particularment en el cultiu de varietats tradicionals, fonamentals en l'enriquiment de la nostra gastronomia. Dins d'aquest marc, l'all de Belltall es presenta com un cas d'estudi. Cultivada a la Conca de Barberà, aquesta varietat tradicional catalana és apreciada per la seva petita cabeça i la seva distintiva coloració vermella. Tradicionalment conreada en secà, l'all de Belltall es distingeix per la seva textura fina i un sabor intens, atributs que li han guanyat el reconeixement entre consumidors i professionals de la gastronomia. No obstant això, el cultiu d'aquesta varietat s'ha topat amb obstacles agronòmics que han mermat la seva productivitat. En aquest context, el treball de final de grau que es proposa pretén col·laborar en aquests esforços conjunts, amb els objectius clau de:
1) Incrementar la producció de l'all de Belltall, mitjançant la millora i optimització de les tècniques agronòmiques empleades.
2) Millorar la varietat, a través d'un programa de millora genètica que es fonamentin en la selecció participativa.
Overview (resum en anglès):
Garlic (Allium sativum) is a horticultural crop with a long tradition worldwide, outstanding for its
culinary and medicinal qualities. In Catalonia, Belltall garlic is one of the latest traditional
varieties grown commercially, maintaining a manual practice that contributes to agricultural
diversity. However, intensive agriculture and the introduction of modern varieties have reduced
the diversity of crops, increasing the need to preserve traditional varieties such as Belltall garlic.
This variety contributes to local biodiversity and offers economic and tourist value, but currently
faces several challenges, including agronomic deficiencies, changing climatic conditions and
limitations in reproduction.
This study aims to improve the production and sustainability of Belltall garlic cultivation by
applying agronomic and genetic improvements. Specific objectives include assessing the effect
of date and seed density, laying the foundations for crop mechanisation and genetically
improving the variety.
The results show that the sowing date significantly influences bulb productivity and quality.
Sowing on the traditional December date results in a higher percentage of viable plants and less
physiopathies affectation, while late sowing reduces the size and number of grains per bulb. In
addition, bulbs sown in late dates tend to alter the purple colour of Belltall garlic. In the context
of climate change, where rising temperatures could make future conditions similar to those of
earlier sowing, it is essential to adapt the sowing practices that allow an adequate accumulation
of cold hours to ensure a good quality of the bulb that maintains the characteristics of Belltall
In contrast, increasing sowing density reduces the viability of plants and negatively affects the
size and colour of bulbs.
On the other hand, crop mechanization is presented as a key strategy for reducing labour costs
and improving the efficiency of Belltall garlic cultivation. This aspect is important to facilitate the
expansion of the crop and increase sowing seed, which is currently one of the key factors that
limit its production.
In summary, this study provides valuable information for the management and improvement of
the cultivation of Belltall garlic, adapting it to the new climatic and technological conditions. The
derived recommendations can help producers maximize crop yield and quality, thus contributing
to their sustainability and competitiveness in the future