CBL - Campus del Baix Llobregat

Projecte llegit

Títol: Estimación de la huella hídrica del sector bovino en Girona mediante análisis del ciclo de vida

Estudiant que ha llegit aquest projecte:

Tutor/a o Cotutor/a: MONTEMAYOR, ERICA

Departament: DEAB

Títol: Estimación de la huella hídrica del sector bovino en Girona mediante análisis del ciclo de vida

Data inici oferta: 12-02-2024      Data finalització oferta: 30-07-2024

Estudis d'assignació del projecte:

Lloc de realització:

En empresa (cal signar un conveni de cooperació)

        Tutor/a Extern: Marta Ruiz Colmenero
        Institució/Empresa: IRTA

Segon tutor/a extern: Montserrat Nuñez Pineda

Paraules clau:
Life cycle assessment, Huella hídrica, análisis del ciclo de vida, bovino

Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
Huella hídrica proyecto Diputación de Girona:
- Cálculo detallado de la provisión y consumo de agua.
- Confirmar identificación de los puntos débiles y propuestas de mejora basadas en las nuevas MTDs del sector bovino que se acaban de publicar.
- Cálculo de la huella hídrica del sector bovino en Girona, y posiblemente incluyendo un análisis del impacto de la sequía.

Información práctica:
- Periodo de inicio y fin: 4 de marzo 2024 - 30 julio 2024 (puede empezar antes también)
- La remuneración pactada: 480€/mes por 20h/semana por un máximo de 270 horas.
- La jornada: 9 a 13h de lunes a viernes (negociable)

Overview (resum en anglès): Climate change has aggravated the drought situation in many populations that previously did not experience such frequent drought events. This reality is intensified when considering that agriculture and livestock are sectors with high freshwater consumption, which increases the pressure on water resources in those regions where these economic activities predominate.
In response to this situation, this paper carries out a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) study on the introduction of a rainwater harvesting system and its subsequent use at the EVAM farm in Monells, Girona, with the aim of reducing the farm's water footprint. This system, designed by us, is based on a very basic infrastructure, including only the essential elements for its possible use.
To carry out this research, we had the collaboration of the IRTA LCA group, who provided us with access to their data and to the SimaPro programme, with which a large part of the study was carried out. In this study, three scenarios were considered, all of them considering rainwater as blue water: a base scenario from which we started, and two alternative scenarios in which, in the first, 35% of well water is replaced by collected water, and in the second, 22% of mains water is replaced by rainwater. On the other hand, through a sensitivity analysis, possible differences in the results are studied depending on whether this collected rainwater is considered as blue water or green water, basing the studies at all times on the water footprint of our farm. With regard to the methodology applied, Environmental Footprint (EF) 3.1 and Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules (PEFCR) dairy products are highlighted.
The results obtained have not been as expected, because, while in the alternative scenario we have managed to reduce its impact by 12%, the total consumption increases from 1,722·106 m3 depriv. to 1,875·106 m3 depriv.; therefore, instead of reducing the impact, we have only increased it. On the other hand, alternative scenario 1 shows a reduction from 1,722·106 m3 depriv. which is the value of the base scenario, to 1,721·106 m3 depriv.; but no significant differences were obtained in the sensitivity analysis using Monte Carlo simulations.
If we look at the sensitivity analyses in which both blue water and green water have been considered, it was possible to detect that no significant differences occur, regardless of how they are considered in this case. It is important to highlight that in one of the cases, in which we replaced mains water with rainwater considered as green water, an impact lower than the base scenario was detected in 67% of the Monte Carlo simulations.
The results obtained lead us to consider the possible improvement if it is possible to increase the volume of rainwater that can replace mains water or its implementation in locations where rainfall is more optimal. We must not forget that systems of this type are of vital importance if we consider the increasing frequency of droughts, among other meteorological phenomena.

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