CBL - Campus del Baix Llobregat

Projecte llegit

Títol: Movilidad Urbana Aérea. Aplicación de bus aéreo Barcelona-Madrid

Estudiants que han llegit aquest projecte:


Departament: DAC

Títol: Movilidad Urbana Aérea. Aplicación de bus aéreo Barcelona-Madrid

Data inici oferta: 11-03-2022     Data finalització oferta: 11-11-2022

Estudis d'assignació del projecte:
Tipus: Individual
Lloc de realització: EETAC
Paraules clau:
Vertiports, drones, U-space
Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
Disseny d'un sistema de detecció de conflictes entre drones
emmarcat dins l'espai U-space.
Implementació de la lògica de detecció de conflictes i la lògica de
Comunicacions entre drones i els sistemes U-space per la detecció
de tots els conflictes dins un àrea.
Notificació al pilot de l'existència del conflicte i les mesures de
Overview (resum en anglès):
Rapid population growth in urban areas is causing major congestion in today's transport system, increasing road traffic. Consequently, the creation of a means of transport is necessary in order to guarantee fast, safe and sustainable travel for the population. The creation of Urban Air Mobility (UAM) opens up traffic to the sky with the use of eVTOL (electric Vertical Take-off and Landing) aircraft whose distance travelled is shorter compared to ground transport.

This paper explains the challenges to be met by the UAM and the services that can be offered by these aircraft, which, apart from offering a taxi service, include health, rescue, parcel and medicine delivery and fire-fighting services. In addition, the necessary infrastructures and their characteristics are presented and the noise pollution generated by eVTOL aircraft is explained. After having clarified the concepts necessary for the success of a UAM service, a practical case is studied based on the service of an air bus that transfers 40 users from Madrid to Barcelona in just one hour.

The case study will focus on the creation of a vertiport (infrastructure necessary for the take-off and landing of aircraft) suitable for the cities of Madrid and Barcelona, in addition to the choice of an emergency vertiport located in the city of Zaragoza. On the one hand, the areas will be analysed meteorologically in order to detect any possible limitations that might hinder the design of the infrastructure. On the other hand, with the characteristics of the aircraft, a runway will be designed with its appropriate safety areas. Finally, different aids will be implemented to facilitate the use of the infrastructure.

The results of the work include the graphic design of the infrastructures and the necessary visual aids.

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