CBL - Campus del Baix Llobregat

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Títol: Study of cost, time and emissions trade-off strategies using OpenSky and OpenAP

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Departament: FIS

Títol: Study of cost, time and emissions trade-off strategies using OpenSky and OpenAP

Data inici oferta: 16-01-2024     Data finalització oferta: 16-09-2024

Estudis d'assignació del projecte:
Tipus: Individual
Lloc de realització: EETAC
Paraules clau:
Flight emissions, ADS-B, OpenSky, OpenAP, CDO
Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
The student will use the database of the OpenSky Network, which is used by researchers from different areas to analyze and improve air traffic control technologies and processes.

By combining OpenSky's ADS-B data with the open aircraft
performance and emission model OpenAP, studies of aviation emissions will be performed in this TFG. Intermodality solutions will also be contemplated.
Overview (resum en anglès):
With increasing environmental concerns and the significant impact of aviation, improving efficiency and reducing the ecological footprints of flights have become urgent needs. Although studies in this field have grown, air traffic research still faces challenges due to the limited availability of comprehensive open data. The urgency to decrease emissions is evident, especially since sustainable aviation fuels (SAF) have yet to achieve widespread adoption. Efforts are focused on advancing aircraft performance and implementing efficient practices such as continuous descent operations (CDO).
The mandatory implementation of ADS-B technology has notably improved safety and air traffic management by providing real-time aircraft information. OpenSky, which consists of a network of sensors from volunteers around the world, plays a crucial role by offering free access to air traffic data collected using ADS-B, thereby creating a large database to improve airspace efficiency and safety. Additionally, tools like OpenAP, a model for obtaining aircraft performance and emissions, can use this open data to conduct detailed studies on fuel consumption, emissions, and optimization of flight trajectories. Aviation operations entail substantial costs, including operational and en-route service fees managed by EUROCONTROL, which significantly influence cost optimization strategies.
This project utilizes OpenSky and OpenAP to analyze real flight data, assessing economic, environmental, and efficiency impacts across specific European routes and airports. Aviation operations entail substantial costs, including operational and en-route service fees managed by EUROCONTROL, which significantly influence cost optimization strategies. One of the objectives of this project is to investigate the relationship between fuel consumption and en-route charges, aiming to identify cost-effective strategies, factors influencing fuel consumption, and the balance between costs and emissions to determine if economic savings of en-route charges might lead to increased emissions. The goal is to enhance efficiency both economically (in terms of fuel and en- route charges) and environmentally.
The findings confirm the feasibility of obtaining reliable information from open flight data, despite inherent limitations. Variations in en-route charges and fuel consumption are notable across different regions and routes, often revealing
strategies for cost optimization. Moreover, the savings in en-route charges from certain strategies do not have a direct relationship with increased emissions. Additionally, the efficient adoption of CDO varies among airports, indicating opportunities for improvement and the relationship between fuel consumption and time underscores the importance of minimizing flight durations and inefficient cruise speeds.

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