CBL - Campus del Baix Llobregat

Projecte llegit

Títol: Un modelo para el análisis multicriterio de la competitividad de los aeropuertos europeos

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Departament: FIS

Títol: Un modelo para el análisis multicriterio de la competitividad de los aeropuertos europeos

Data inici oferta: 04-02-2024     Data finalització oferta: 04-10-2024

Estudis d'assignació del projecte:
Tipus: Individual
Lloc de realització: EETAC
Paraules clau:
Aeropuerto, hub, feeder, capacidad, competitividad.
Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
'Se puede competir sin excedente de capacidad?

Los aeropuertos europeos se orientan hacia un futuro de retos en cuanto al crecimiento del tráfico, la variación de su composición, las dificultades para financiar proyectos de expansión y la fuerte oposición a nuevos desarrollos por cuestiones de impactos sobre el territorio y el medio ambiente.

En esta encrucijada, la pregunta sobre si se puede competir sin capacidad excedente cobra especial relevancia. 'Qué hace que un aeropuerto sea competitivo? 'En qué radica su ventaja competitiva? Diversos autores han intentado dar respuesta a estas cuestiones desarrollando indicadores de competitividad aeroportuaria.

El proyecto tiene como finalidad llevar a cabo un análisis de los aeropuertos europeos repasando la bibliografía relevante, actualizando el estado de las infraestructuras y evaluando indicadores, para concluir si es posible mantener una posición competitiva pese al handicap de la capacidad.
Overview (resum en anglès):
Airports have been commonly viewed as a monopoly, although due to the deregulation of several major European airports between the 1980s and 1990s the airport market was opened to competition. Also, in recent decades, airlines and passengers have gained greater choice due to the growth of hub-and-spoke networks, making airports subject to competitive pressures, having to implement specific strategies to increase their competitive position. Several of these strategies are underpinned by airport capacity, as they seek primarily to increase the number of airlines and passengers, operational performance, service quality and passenger experience.

This project aims to measure the competitiveness of the main European airports and to determine whether it is possible to maintain a competitive position without excess capacity. To achieve this, we have defined, through a literature review, theoretical concepts on competitiveness and what strategies to implement to increase the competitive position based on Porter's Five Forces, the 4 P's of Marketing, and depending on the potential growth of demand and airport capacity. In addition, from the different methodologies available, the Multi-Criteria Decision Making has been selected to measure such competitiveness, choosing a total of twenty-nine sub-criteria based on airport competitiveness according to Porter's teachings. In addition, a questionnaire was designed for industry experts to determine the degree of importance of each sub-criterion in the airport's competitive level.

After the model was developed and the reliability of the results was determined by a robustness analysis, it was observed that the competitive position obtained is highly correlated with two fundamental aspects, the number of passengers and total revenues. Especially in those airports that aspire or want to consolidate their position as a hub, it has been observed that capacity is a factor that delimits their competitive position. Several of them are implementing or should implement improvements in this aspect because they are at the limit of their capacity, which may hinder their ability to absorb passengers and, consequently, to obtain revenues and guarantee a good quality of service, thus worsening their competitive level.

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