CBL - Campus del Baix Llobregat

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Títol: Design and aerodynamic study of a glider for unassisted jumping

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Departament: FIS

Títol: Design and aerodynamic study of a glider for unassisted jumping

Data inici oferta: 06-02-2024     Data finalització oferta: 06-10-2024

Estudis d'assignació del projecte:
Tipus: Individual
Lloc de realització: EETAC
Paraules clau:
Aerodynamic efficiency and optimization, Drag reduction, Wind tunnel testing, Computational Fluid Dynamics
Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
The project's objective is to design, analyze, and study a glider to participate in the RedBull FlugTag. This event consists of jumping from a 6-meter cliff into the water with a glider made
by a 5-member team. The goal is to maximize the efficiency of this glider to fly as far as possible without any extra propulsion system. Primary work is a detailed analyzis of the event's regulations. Based on these the initial conditions such as initial velocity, or atmospherical conditions and environmental conditions will be studied. Thereafter theoretically calculations of the main parameters of the glider such as general design, airfoil, wing span, glider length, center of gravity, stability, or the angle of attack will be performed. The design will be implemented in SolidWorks and later CFD simulations will be perform on. The last part will be, to build a scale prototype with 3D printing and test it in the wind tunnel to see the performance and deliver a final product.
Overview (resum en anglès):
This project focused on designing and optimizing a glider for the Red Bull FlugTag, with the primary goals of enhancing aerodynamic efficiency and achieving maximum horizontal flight distance. The process involved multiple phases, including theoretical analysis, design, computational simulations, and experimental validation through wind tunnel testing.
The initial step was selecting a suitable airfoil, leading to the choice of one known for its favorable low-speed aerodynamic characteristics. Various glider configurations were then developed and tested, including a basic glider, a single wing with a winglet, a double wing, and a closed wing design. Each design aimed to improve aerodynamic performance and lift generation.
The basic glider served as a control model, establishing a baseline for performance comparisons. The subsequent designs incorporated modifications to assess their impact on efficiency. The addition of a downward winglet to the single-wing glider resulted in a notable improvement in performance, making it the most efficient design among those tested.
The double-wing design, while theoretically promising, did not meet performance expectations due to increased weight and drag. Despite these challenges, the double-wing glider
was shown to be feasible and capable of flight, though it exceeded regulatory weight limits.
The closed wing design presented a unique approach with significant potential, generating substantially more lift and offering enhanced stability and reduced vorticity. However, this design also faced challenges related to increased weight and drag.
The project successfully demonstrated the effectiveness of the single wing with winglet design, highlighting its superior aerodynamic efficiency. Additionally, the findings suggest that innovative concepts like the closed wing design have considerable potential and merit further exploration.
Overall, the project achieved its objectives, providing valuable insights into glider design and aerodynamics. The process facilitated significant learning about managing a design project, solving complex engineering problems, and applying theoretical knowledge to practical challenges. This experience has equipped me with enhanced skills and knowledge, preparing me for future endeavors in the fields of design, research, and development.

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